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Well last night I was at the movies and I came back to my car to find a pool of coolant.. Luckily I was close enough home to hobble my busted ass home. The coolant is leaking from the front passenger side. My timing belt is soaked. I cannot locate the source of the leak. I pulled the excess reservoir.

I noticed the tubing on the back of the reservoir it appears to be cut off, is this just an overflow or something?

So should I go buy some coolant pour it in and wait for it to start leaking. This seems to be really difficult without a lift of some sort.


Im stuck at home on a saturday with no ride :cuss: :bawl:


Well from your description sounds like either water pump or arround that general area. Or worse intake cooling channel gasket leak on the passanger side. Yes the coolent recovery tank has a little cut hose at the bottom for overflow. Trust me I just tore dowm my 3.4 today for the oil pump drive seal :P that sucked


Yeah, it sounds like its coming around the waterpump area.


Anyone have a picture of what this looks like or a description of it?

Also is this expensive to replace?


Waterpump? It's not hard to replace, pop off the accessory belt, take of the cover, and there is 4 bolts for it. The thing is though, is the waterpump housing is part of the timing cover, and about 3? hoses come off of there I would check those.


The waterpump is located on the front end of the motor right after the PS pump. It's the black thing.


Do i have to do anything to the timing belt? According to this haynes manual you have to mess with the timing belt. I could be wrong and I havent thoroughly read it over but if thats the case i'll just take it to my mechanic


Yea same thing was happening to me. My gasket on top of the waterpump was leaking.


Im scared to drive it to the mechanics. I read if I squeeze the upper radiator hose while the engine is running and the engine surges the pump is fine. I think I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Hopefully its not a failing water pump and I can maybe drive her the 5km to my mechanics shop. Anyways thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully I wont be out $500 as usual with this car and its problems


moms 3400 leaked coolant bad out the passenger side, water pump went bad, wasd fairly cheap to replace, so i doubt the 3.4 will be to much worse

Im scared to drive it to the mechanics. I read if I squeeze the upper radiator hose while the engine is running and the engine surges the pump is fine. I think I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Hopefully its not a failing water pump and I can maybe drive her the 5km to my mechanics shop. Anyways thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully I wont be out $500 as usual with this car and its problems


well, if you're not going far to the mechanic...you can loosen the radiator cap (if you have on on the radiator...might just have the overflow one)...that'll keep the pressure off so it won't piss so much...


That's how my uncle drove back to Edmonton from Saskatoon when he blew the head gasket on his Celica for like the 10th time lol...loosen the rad cap to the first notch or something...he didn't have any heating problems either.

Apparently back in the day all cooling systems were not pressureized.


- Jeff L.


You do not need to mess with the timing belt to do the waterpump.


The waterpump is super easy to replace yourself, you just have to remove the serp belt and the coolant reservoir for easy access. You don't have to touch the water pump housing or timing belt covers. Just undo the circle of bolts around the water pump and replace. You may want to replace the lower rad hose while you're at it if it looks iffy. Buy a brand new water pump they're only a few dollars more than a refurbished one.


Well, checked it out a little closer and indeed it was the water pump!

$60.30 (CAD) later and $10 worth of anti-freeze I am back in action!


Thanks guys. I much needed the support!

Especially Turbo231's and mfewtrail for guiding me in the right direction!

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