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some questions about the Series I L27

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Guest TurboSedan

i could have sworn that the '92 SSE i looked at yesterday had an aluminum upper intake manifold, but looking at Shaun's '94 Bonneville SSE L27 his intake seems to be black plastic? did they change that somewhere between '92 & '94?


any other differences between the '92 L27 and newer L27s up to '94? also what was the hp/tq rating of the '92 L27?




wish me luck i hope to be the owner of a loaded black '92 SSE later today....


Yes, they changed them to a plastic intake manifold. I have heard of them melting before (kid in high school had an L36, the intake melted aparantly).


Not sure whether they flow better or not though.


My 92 had a grey alum manifold and my friends has a black intake and I swear its alum, another guy I know had a transport van around a 95 and it had plastic cause his cracked


They switched to the black plastic in 93. Also they added an EGR valve to the front exhaust manifold because the older aluminum manifold engines (that didn't have the EGR) would burn up exhaust valves...

Guest TurboSedan
Also they added an EGR valve to the front exhaust manifold because the older aluminum manifold engines (that didn't have the EGR) would burn up exhaust valves...


BTW was this a serious problem with '92 L27s?


It wasn't a major problem. Plenty of '92 L27's are still running fine EGR-less, just look at Bonnevilleclub.com. And yes, to just reiterate what everyone else is saying, it's a plastic manafold. Why, I don't know.. They were so proud of it they even have little "recycle" emblems stamped on it.

They were so proud of it they even have little "recycle" emblems stamped on it.
Ha! I totally forgot about that! I remember seeing that when I first "kicked the tires" on my Regal and had a good chuckle over it.


FYI, my 92 LeSabre had 200k on it when I traded it, and it never suffered from any burnt up exhaust valves...

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