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direct ignition system?

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Before I begin, I used the search feature for this, but found nothing useful on the subject!


Anyway, I remember seeing a pics of a few peoples' cars that had a aftermarket ignition system on them. What do they do, and what are the benefits? (ie - is it worth the $$)


Unless you do major mods, like boost an ignition system wont do a whole lot compared to the money spent. What would help is altering the ignition timing.


you mean altering the firing order? :?:


No, i mean adjusting when the spark comes relative to crank degrees so when the explosion builds to its max it pushes the piston down at the right moment to get the best use of the power from the explosion. If its too advanced, itll act like it will try to turn the crank the wrong direction, if its too retarded by the time the explosion has enough power to push the piston down, it will be pretty much worthless. It should be slightly advanced so when the piston gets just passed TDC the explosion is at full strength to push the piston downwards. As the engine speed increases, the ignition timing should be more advanced because the piston is traveling faster.


The only way to adjust this on our motors is through the use of a chip.


I am working right now on figuring out the best place for the spark to ignite the mixture at different RPM intervals for optimum power. Just something I want to figure out.


Using a couple calculations you can figure out the tq applied to the crank at each degree, then you average all of those figures and you have the tq output of the engine.


Im trying to figure out what would be the best time for the spark to ignite to provide maximum power on the low end, mid range and high end. I still need to figure out what the stock numbers are though to compare them to what I am getting.

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