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finally got my doorspeakers working again

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in my recent quest to build a decent sound system for very little coin. i got my door speakers working again. first i was experimenting with the bose setup, but after frying 3 headunits i decided to say screw that and went back to all factory speakers. and recently i ran across a set of infinity reference series 4.5' speakers, they seemed nice and fit in the sedan door i had pulled for my euro with zero problems. but the coupe doors are a tad thinner so it was a little tricky fitting it all in and still haveing room for the window to go up and down but other then haveing to angle them slightly for that it worked out good. the sound right off the bat is WORLDS better then the dashboard speakers ever hoped to be. however i noticed that the reference spekers are definately a more vocal speaker. but thats ok with me!


Im running 4 infinity speaker, 4" and 6"X9" (reference series) with an amp, and no subs cuz I use my trunk, and Ill never go to another brand of speakers once you get everything tuned right, it has great bass for speakers. go with infinity, you wont be disapointed


i got the reference series speakers for free, and i like the sound to them, not much bass at all, but very good vocals. i'm looking at a higher end set of pioneers for the back, and edventually something to replace this 10 year old clarion HU


yeah the HU I have is the pioneer 1600, really cheap but Im gettin a new one, but the set up I have can rattle the all the mirriors, but pioneer has some good stuff


to make the infinity's come to life, you need an amp

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