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Muwhahaha :willynilly::willynilly::willynilly:



19.5 working hours later (29 hours total) I finally got it done







My car was such a PITA to work on. The guys helping said they have never had so many troubles :?



Oh well, I got it done, im happy. She has so much power up high now, I passed some cars on the way home (in a passing zone, so it was legal) and before i knew it, I already hit 80 (from 46)


Oh man I love these!!!




PS: Yes it was a bitch, no it doesnt usually take that long, yes i would recommend it to anyone!


That long for headers?!...


F-dat. Just take the whole damn engine out man...


Looks good though man! :rocking: :thumbsup:


looks real good


although I dont think it should have taken that long to put in those headers unless you had to do some modding


well, does this mean that you'll stop over if I ever do that mod? I could always use another hand! Good job on those.





first, stock dp to stock catback


bolts would not come out. had to disconnect from the stock mani's


rear o2 would not come out. ended up ripping the threads.


run to sears to get some dremel bits and drill bits to drill the suckers out since im using stock cat back.that was a good 3-3.5 hours doing that :( Went to lunch


had the headers IN the car by 5. then, spent an hour or so trying to get the mofo EGR valve to go in. no dice. took the guys who were helping me out to dinner before we ripped the headers back out. so that was an hour and a half or so. returned, ripped the header out, used the dremel to sand the inside where the egr valve goes, then put it back in. success, now EGR fits.


run to home depot cause i there were no nuts for the crossover. got the crossover on, couldnt get a donut gasket to fit. ripped the crossover back out, had to dremel it so the gasket could go back on. reinstall crossover. secured rear headers.


spent at least another 2 hours with the god damn tranny dipstick. ARGH. ended up ripping the crossover out YET again, insert the tranny dipstick, then reinstall crossover. now it was quite the bitch to tighten the bolts on the rear of the crossover between the dipstick and the severe lack of room coming up from under the car. FINALLY get everything set. bolted on the downpipe went to sleep.


Wake up at 9:45. had to run to the autoparts store to get a gasket (they sent me one to big). returned, fired up the car with open headers :twisted: (well, not true open headers, still went through the high-flow cat on the downpipe) sounded bad ass. noticed one of the flanges was touching coolant temp sensor, making the coolant shoot to 260* right away, had to undo the flange, twist, and retighten.


bolted up stock catback to downpipe, went for a test drive, had a slight leak, retightened, off to a mod day to reinstall my wizair and pcm.



Im blaming part of the problem on TOG (they never compensated for the dipping and the holes were to small, also no nuts for crossover) and PFYC (for sending me wrong size gasket and not bolts to bolt to the stock cat back). If everything was in order, i would been out by 11pm that night.


sorry for the long post


so how does she sound...a little deeper? how many ponys do you gain with this mod and how much did you spend all together?


Wow, sounds like everytihng possible to go worng did lol... glad to see you got the bitches on there though - looks good man!!

Post up a audio file or something with the badass sound :D


- Jeff L.


niiiiice!!!...looks like your missing one of those lil rubber band thingies... :lol:

sounds like she had a little grude against your new headers :lol:





shes been a bitch lately :lol:



although, theres 99,000 miles of rust on there , that might have had a little bit to do with it (well, the catback at least). and for 99,000 miles, it really wasnt THAT bad (i would expected more down there)



I have a short movie clip of it running at idle (without the cat-back, but WITH the DP/CAT).


Its 18mb though :(


Ill host it at work in a bit.



edit: here it is, right click save as (~18mb): http://www.metrocast.net/~jbarbieri/gtp/headers.mpg :/edit:



niiiiice!!!...looks like your missing one of those lil rubber band thingies...


yep, we noticed that too. but the 3 times we went out for parts, i forgot to ask for one each time. :?

so how does she sound...a little deeper? how many ponys do you gain with this mod and how much did you spend all together?


yes, shes a bit deeper now, but not raspy.. its pretty good, i like it


and i spent waaay to much :lol:

i'll race you in the white z.... :leaving:


ill give ya a few second headstart :wink: :wink:

i'll race you in the white z.... :leaving:


ill give ya a few second headstart :wink: :wink:


prolly a lil more then that.


wow sounds like you had all sorts of problems, i helped put a set of headers on my friend's 1997 GTP and it was about the easiest thing ever... then again he was just reinstalling the engine after a rebuild.




like i said, it usually doesnt take that long



and the butt dyno is very satisfied with the mod, it pulls MUCH harder when i get passed 3500RPMs.



anod total i spent around 1200 for the headers with the silver ceramic coating, the RT downpipe with high flow cat that bolts to stock cat back, and shipping :shock:. shipping alone for both parts was around 100 bucks total


worth every penny though

kick ass. are you going to the track soon?





im afraid though, if i go under 14, their gonna make me wear a helmet, so i might only get one run if i go. and i dont know where to get a helmet.


Hell yeah John! Time to drop that pulley size!!


Search ebay for helmets, can get one for around $80 shipped.

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