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stereo controls on wheel need help

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so can anyone give me detailed instructions on removal of stereo controls on steering wheel i need info asap thanks :D


You have to remove the airbag.


Okay, pick your jaw up off the floor :lol: . It's really not that scary, honest.


First, remove the fuse for the airbag (it's in the fusebox on the passenger side of the dash.) To make sure you removed the correct fuse, start the car and observe the "Airbag" light. It should remain lit if you pulled the correct fuse. For added safety, disconnect the negative battery cable.


Now take a #30 Torx bit and loosen the 2 bolts on the back of the steering wheel and lift the airbag off of the wheel. Locate the connector and remove the green pin, then pry the connector apart. Now you can safely remove the airbag.


Locate the plug for the steering wheel controls and unplug it. Pull the wires out of their "hiding place" and then you can pry the controls out of the wheel.


Here's a pic of the airbag removed from the wheel:



You can see how everything is put together...


Installation is reverse of removal.


If you'd like a better explanation, I have a write-up on how to replace the turn signal switch that you can follow down to the part where you remove the airbag:



What year is your car?


If it's 91-93 GTP then all you gotta do is jam a screwdriver in there and pull out the button assemble.


Why do you need to remove the buttons?


its a 95 GTP,, and replacement (theyre chipped)




thanks discostudd :lol:


no need to remove the airbag. they just pry out and theres obviously and electical connector on the back of each thats easy to get off but a little difficult to get back on. at least thats how my 96 was and my sisters 98 fbird


I absolutely had to remove the airbag on my old 95 'Prix. There was no slack in the wiring harnesses, and they were so snug in their little "hiding place" that you couldn't pull the wires out if you tried...


hmm, didnt have any problems with either one ive done. there was just enough slack in the wires. :shrug:


so, did you have to remove the airbag?


no you dont have to --it was figured out after so i got the airbag too, but all you have to do is pry out the controls and theres a plug on the back of them so just unhook and plug in the nice ones so if anyone wants an airbag i have one :wink:

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