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1992 3.1 FI Rebuild

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Guys I need your help in this. I'm sure at least 1 person on here did the rebuild of the engine.


First off the engine is most likely fried as the person who drove my car didn't hear when belt snap and basically car overheated and now wont start. Engine is old and abused so I'm thinking of rebuilding it.


Question 1




Which of those kits is correct one for this engine? What figures does 3.1 FI has? In terms of bore stroke etc.


Question 2


What are other things to consider when it comes to rebuilding engine. How expensive does it get if A) doing it yourself B) letting mechanics do that.


That's it for now I think


Thanks in advance


Looks like they're all for the 262/4.3 V6 that was in the older S-Blazers and whatnot.


Pick up a car magazine(like Hot Rod or something) and look through the ads. There's all kinds of companies who sell complete rebuild kits for the 2.8/3.1


As far as doing it yourself compared to letting someone do it for you, that boils down to your ability & whether or not you have the time, patience and correct tools to do it right.


Get a factory manual for your car, and have the block, the crank, the rods & pistons and the heads inspected for cracks, overbores, etc Then, you'll know what you need to order. Chances are, you might be able to get out of it with only a honing on the cylinder walls, new rings, valve seals, an oil pump, gaskets & bearings.


You doing from start to finish I estimate $1000 all told w/ parts and machine shop work.

Thats with crank ground, block hot tanked, cam bearings installed, bore and hone jugs, resize rods this is all machine shop work. Your duties include pulling the engine breaking it down for the machine shop re-assembling the engine and re-installing it


A mech shop $3000+


Many new parts and lots of labor are entailed with this job, its 20-24 hours worth of work.

A W? piss on it find a late model low mileage junkyard engine and drive it, $300 plus $100 in misc parts if you do the work yourself, its a 10-12 hour job



95 3-4


Guys thank you for your input, I appreciate it. I'm gona take those advices.





Sorry about posting in the wrong section. I'll try not to do it next time

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