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Sealed O-ring twice and oil still leaks...please help !!

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Ok so I redid the oring sealing, man I used the whole tube of copper sealent. and the thing still leaks... I just lifted the o-ring up and put cooper sealent around it, and some jb weld.


Now I am lost. Checking out the page http://www.brian89gp.com/images/engine/intake%20gasket/DSCF0028.JPG


I am not sure what that thing is called in the middle, where it has a zig-zag pattern on it, but I was thinking that it could be leaking. What you all think ?



Also where else can the oil come up from ? If you are facing the front of the car, then it leaks right at the o-ring location and comes from the rear left. I can see it start to flow. It takes about 2 mintutes before it starts a constant drip, which may mean it pools up some place or is it just when the pressure is right.


The only issue is when i take the lower off, coolent flys everywhere, and then i cannot trace back the oil leak.


Any ideas ? Please help....i got some dye for the oil, so I am thinking of trying that next.


Whats the most number of times someone has sealed the o-ring with it not working ?


thanks all !!!




you do know that the dohc you have to remove the rear head to replace the o ring on it and you want to get the updated parts to do it. not the RUBBER o ring the one you want is silicone and a pink color it also comes with a gasket you have to use to really seal it.


Please try not to post multiple duplicate threads. If nobody responds, it's because there's nobody on at the current time that can help you. If your topic falls down and you'd like it to get noticed, post and bump it and it'll be more visible.


Its entirely possible that its not your o-ring thats leaking. I thought I had the same problem but after fixing both the o-ring and valve cover gaskets I've discovered that my problem is a leaking cam carrier gasket on the rear side.


Weld a box around it :mrgreen:


No doubt it could be leaking cam boxes :lol:


3.4 twin dual cam is superfly :bawl:


Name twin dual cam :roll:


So I cut the head a bit, and notched the cover.


How can I pull the distribution cover up ? It comes up a hair and clicks, then it does not come up anymore.


Whats the best tool to use ? Vice grips ?




PS Sorry about the double posts, I was not aware of the fact that a post bumps the topic up.


used some balls and got it about 1/8 inch up.


Sprayed the shyt out of it with Brakleen.


I am confused a bit now :


Do I have to and can I get the old o-ring out ?


What size o-ring do I need, one that fits the inner circle snug or the outer circle ? Rubber or silicone ? How thick ?


As for the chevy distribution gasket, is that all I ask autozone for ? besides some permatex ?





Nearly done !!


I dun think you are going to be replacing that O-ring w/ the head still in place...


Dunno what to seal it w/ - Maybe RTV? I've always taken it out and done it w/ the revised GM kit/gaskets...


Sorry man - just a bump for ya!


ok what year do I ask for for a chevy Distributor Gasket ?


Then do I just cut a slit in the gasket and work it around the shaft, put in permatx bolt down ?




Here is what I have gathered...


With the intake off.


Get the cover up as high as possible.


Loop some high test fishing line around it and tie it to keep it held up as high as possible and to help manuever it without your fingers in the way.


Try to get a thin wire in and fish out the dead gasket inside since its most likely 'busted to sh*t', a mechanic told me he fishes out the dead gasket with a wire by sliding the cover up and down against the wire using the wire to hook it.


Pull the cover up again and tie it back.


Spray and clean the area around the cover opening and the cover (Brake Cleaner seems the popular choice).


Warm up the oil ring so it's pliable, oil it and slip it around the top of the cover.


Move the cover up and down using again a wire to poke it down into position.


Get a distributor gasket that should fit around the cap and slit it at an angle so it can fit around the cover and sit underneath of it.


Take some RTV. About as much as it would take to ooze onto a toothbrush in comparison.


Apply it around the cover opening. Apply it under the lip of the cover itself. Be careful to cover completely and uniform the above area. Put the distributor gasket in place and seat the cover. Turn the cover in place so that the RTV makes a seal, again before applying any RTV ensure the area has been completely cleaned beforehand.


Refasten the cover with the bracket and tighten it down.


The distributor gasket will act like a compression gasket and you will have a double seal.


Do NOT operate the vehicle for 24hours to let set


Please correct me anywhere folks.


ok so I fished out the gasket, it was not busted, but was hard as all hell. Took about 30 mins ot get it all out. I sprayed it clean with Brakleen.


Put on a new o-ring, slipped it down and found that it was too big.




So I guess I am off to carquet again today to get a better size.

Dont suppose you know what size the mechanice used ?


thanks !


No ... best bet is to use some wire, wrap it once around the cover and twist it to mark it.


Remove it gently and you have the shape in order to match it.


O-Ring from GM Part # 10477565 - $4.99

Cover Gasket GM Part # 10108445 - $2.99


Usually on hand at your GM Dealer


well I got the old ring off, put on a new one, and then put the dist gasket round the top, added some permatex, and bolted her down.


Gonna wait 2 days for it to dry before i get it to start .


Is there anything I can do besides clean the lower and upper intake while the car is drying ?




Check to see if any of those stupid plastic vacuum lines are cracked. Especially under the battery to the ball.


Well thanks to all of you I got the oil fixed, and now its ok. THANKS !!


Now I need some ideas on what to do to the car, its all stock.


Thanks again !!!!! :D

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