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first time to the track with 5 spd

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well track prep was bad and i think a motor mount is bad but other then that the trans is holding nicely so far. I am going to be running again on saturday to see if i can get some good times

well track prep was bad and i think a motor mount is bad but other then that the trans is holding nicely so far. I am going to be running again on saturday to see if i can get some good times


So you went to the track and you aren't posted times.


This is what happended. He went there, ran, and could only pull a flat 14 or something bad liek that. Embarrassed, he makes up a bunch of excuses (broken motor mount, and bad track prep), and he coems on here saying how he went to the track, but fails to give us th emos timportant piece of imformation.


Hint-Give us the times.


sorry i fogot...yes my times were bad....14.1 14.3 and 15...no i am not embarssed. my 60 foot times are 2.3 2.6 and 3.0 due to BAD track prep and it looks like my trans mount is completely torn across....which would cause bad times. I had a friend with me and the best he could pull is a 14.1 with a 2.4 60 foot. and he had rockers and some other work...his previous time was 13.5


the car pulled hard but just was not feelling right.... the 15 i missed second gear so it was my fault.....oh my previous time was a 13.4 2.0 60foot with the auto.


basicly i am learning to drive all over again because of the much lower gearing and it is a 5 speed.


if you want i can take a picture of the mount


No I believe you.


The trans mount wouldn't hurt all too bad, it is just that a 5-speed really isn't suited to the L67, especially with your mods. I was getting my 3.4 2.3s at the track. I bet the only reason your times are faster are after the 1/8mi, lower hp loss through the 5-speed. But up to the 1/8, I bet the auto is quicker.


i have all the time sheets from everything i will looking....the issue i was having is first gear...actually accerating in it then shifting to second. the other issue that is becoming more of a problem is either the clutch is not bled enough or the clutch is not strong enough. in second gear only the clutch is slipping. it is weird.


this trans is just the first I am going for the G6 6 speed early next year when it is avalible.


the reason the trans mount and the 2 uppers are causing a problem is because it is causing the whole car to shudder...i have to let off the gas to get it to stop doing that so i can then shift to second. I dont want to break the housing or the diff by the amount the car shakes. I feel if i fix those 2 problems i can easly get a 2.0 60ft...i am getting little to no wheel spin it feels like it hooks up really nice

Guest TurboSedan
it is just that a 5-speed really isn't suited to the L67, especially with your mods.


why not?


aaron: 60* power baby!! YEAH!




In the end the l67 will be faster and more humble then the 3.4 will ever be!!


and stop being a dick ...


get those problems wrinkled out, cas a 5 speed L67 sounds like a blast to drive!


it is great i think if i can get the mounts fix it will run really strong....also i was thinking about if i can get the tires to spin alittle in first I might be able to get a better 60 foot

it is great i think if i can get the mounts fix it will run really strong....also i was thinking about if i can get the tires to spin alittle in first I might be able to get a better 60 foot


see that would freak the shit out of me just because of the whole ordeal of the trans not being able to "hold up" ...


i think at this point i showed that the trans can hold the power. I am running it right now basicly to see how long it will last. I have a second one coming that i will rebuild and will be my daily trans. we will see how many runs and how long the trans will hold very soon

aaron: 60* power baby!! YEAH!




In the end the l67 will be faster and more humble then the 3.4 will ever be!!


and stop being a dick ...





get some practice down a side street, then when you feel comfie with the 5 speed, go back to the track and try again!


btw i like your car! very nice work man

up to the 1/8, I bet the auto is quicker.


At the very least more consistant.





Brian, what have you done to stregnth your transmission? I'm looking at cyrotreating mine.


nothing....the trans is 16 years old with xxx,xxx miles on it. I am running it till it breaks. I have another one on the way that I will be rebuilding using ceramic bearings...the rule of them when it comes to sticks is dont slam gears and it will last you along time


when it comes to manuals it is all how you drive. My friend is running 450 HP threw a civic SI trans and has made many runs with it with no problems as of yet and that trans is rated at 200 hp


On the flip side.....my roomate's g/f's 99 Neon R/T is rated at roughly 140 ft/lbs......makes only 132......yet still managed to sheer the diff pin.....which then exited the side of the case.


well i fixed some issues with my car...it turns out the one bolt was not in all the way and that the clutch was not bled completely so those 3 runs the clutch was slipping pretty good not the tires.....oh well you live and learn


Wow I went away.


Anyways, I am confident that the tranny can hold the power. For what i did to my broken 284, it shoulda been in millions of pieces all over the track, not a bad synchro.


There are a lot of reasons a 5-speed is badly suited to a modded L67. The L67 makes such great low end, that getting it off the line is a total bitch, and his mods are only hurting this. Then once you do get it moving, you have to shift. His car is capable of hitting 35mph (~redline in 1st), so fast that right off the line he has to shift. Its like as soon as his clutch is out, he's slamming it into 2nd. And this is all assuming he can grab traction. If not, its even worse. He roasts them through 1st, goign only 10mph, but at 6000rpm, then he hits 2nd. They hook up, yet he is down at 2000rpm, when it bogs.


So at any rate, a 5-speed with that engine, and that much power, would be slower than the auto at low speeds, and certainly a pita to drive in 1st and 2nd. But I bet it screams, and I bet it really pulls once you can really pull through a gear (3rd-4th), with no spinning.


we will see i am going to be going to the track again with my little issues fix


Hey Brian...those are some descent times man! Once you get comfortable with the new setup you will knock down better times. Sounds like a better track is needed also.


Aaron...SHUT UP! You are the KING of excuses!


Brian...one thing you will learn the hard way when comparing HP to Torque effects on a tranny...HP does not hurt a tranny....but TORQUE KILLS! :wink: There is a tranny shop here in Colorado Springs that will guarantee a good condition core Getrag 282 to 900 ft/lbs of torque in all gears. I made the comment..."How much HorsePower do you guarentee?", and 8 people in the shop including two guys with 40 years experience each and one representative from Dana Spicer Trannys laughed at me! :oops: Was not my greatest moment...but who better to teach me the basics. :wink:


my time were abd because of slippage.....how much for that trans....what do they do to it

my time were abd because of slippage.....how much for that trans....what do they do to it


3? years ago (before I sold my TGP 5-speed to Luke) it was $1600 for parts and labor. From what they told me, and what I remember the tranny gets a LSD diff, much stronger synchros, custom machined shift forks for 1st through 5th gear, high tensile strength roller bearings at all bearing points, custom shift linkage input shaft, stronger input shaft. There was more...but they showed me the tranny dyno charts where 3 of their 282 test beds failed at 1200 +/- 100 ft/lbs.


If you need and are serious I can call them to see if they still do the 282's and how much they want currently. 8)


It isn't an excuse. His car would own mine, period. I wouldn't stand a chance.


Your TGP was the same way, just not nearly as bad becuz you had a lot less power.


Do you think this shop could rebuild a 284? They are pretty much the same, except the 284's internals are about double the size, and that it is a pull type clutch. I just need a stock rebuild, no 1200 ft lbs here.

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