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radio doesnt go all the way in

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put an aftermarket radio in and it doesnt even fit in.. not tnough room in the back it seems like. anyone else have this problem.. and if so how did you fix it?


Do you know what is in the way? Do youhabe RCA cables sticking out?


I had this problem in my Beretta. I ended up cutting out what was interfering with the radio.




i think its the antenna cable.. cause it needed teh adapter.... real cramped place back there and no i dont have rca cables...


see if u can determine exactly where it is hitting the back of the dash. maybe dab some whiteout on the back of the radio where you think it is hitting (anntenna cable), then before the white out dries, push the radio in straight until it stops. pull everything out, and see where u left a mark.

I'm not sure what car you have, but on my cutlass I just took the dash pad off (6 screws), then drilled/cut out the area that was marked. Be careful that you don't cut the vent ducting though, as it runs right above where the radio sits. it is black.


also, as an alternative, make sure when u slide the radio in that the wires are out of the way. I usually hold the wires up while i push the radio back. this way, the wires can sit on top of the radio where there is extra space, rather than take up the space behind the radio.



are you using the right dash kit?


usually it is the heater venting behind the dash, you also have to take the big ass group of wires and find places on the left and right of the radi to stuff them. GOOD LUCK

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