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Custom CAI Help.

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Anyone ever make their own CAI? IF so what all did you need to do it? I could make one at work but im not sur what to do with the sensor thats right before the TB. Also anyone have any pics of theirs




i think that pic sums my WAI up nicely. WAI and CAI are the same setup, just that the CAI is obviously alot longer. put the sensor in your tubing just like it is stock.


so what does WAI stand for? also did you make that your self? If so where did you get the tubing?

so what does WAI stand for?

Warm Air Intake


also did you make that your self?



If so where did you get the tubing?

it's just exhaust tubing that i polished the fuck outta



the total project (minus the cone filter) was maybe $20-30 at the most


Check out the clubgp board for ideas and use the search function(select the general and drivetrain areas to search and at least go a month or two back where it allows you to select the time frame of posts that it will pull up). You should find more then enough info, ideas, directions, etc. :wink:


If interested, I can bend up more pipes like what is pictured below. I know the exact bend that is needed. The tubing is 3" Mandrel bent. If I get enough people interested, maybe I'll make a few...




Now, as for that heat shield, I can make more for the 3.4. If the coolant hoses and the metal plate that sits underneath the stock air box are in the exact same place in every w-body car, I can make the heat shields for the rest.


Maybe I'll make a topic about this.


For the box immediately above... where does the air feed into it?


From what I can see it has 2 areas feeding warm air into the box, so why bother with the box?

For the box immediately above... where does the air feed into it?


From what I can see it has 2 areas feeding warm air into the box, so why bother with the box?


I am confused as to what your asking. I built that box so it would block the warmer air from the exhaust manifold and from the coolant hose. It is mainly getting air from the battery tray area.


EDIT: Cardomain is being stupid right now, but i'll get another shot of it later on today.

Aaron, did you make that STB


No, some guy, forgot his name, made it a while back, but I have changed it a bit to fit my car. It is made out of 1/2" X 1 1/2" aluminum stock, powdercoated red with welded flanges, not bolted.



3" Aluminum mandrel bent, ture cold air intake (fenderwell).


Thats my late spring/early summer project. Well... one of several.



EDIT: I am offering what I have above because of the fact that there are people that do not want to relocate there battery.


do Aaron and sonyman87 have their batteries relocated? it doesn't seem like they are.


the only this is will these intakes work for a 2000 gtp? i see all of you guys have 3.4dohc motors. Will that work with the super charger also?

the only this is will these intakes work for a 2000 gtp? i see all of you guys have 3.4dohc motors. Will that work with the super charger also?


About a bizzilion and a half people make a CAI for a GTP. If you can't find one, I'm seriously amazed that you can tell the difference between left clicking and right clicking.


im sure there are a bizillion people that make them but can you find one for under $100? Im pretty sure the answer is no. also why pay that much for one when you can make one for $30-$40?

im sure there are a bizillion people that make them but can you find one for under $100? Im pretty sure the answer is no. also why pay that much for one when you can make one for $30-$40?


Cuz the 30-40 one will look liek complete and utter shit, which by the way is what we've been saying this entire thread.


whats wrong with the one in eurosportz34's pic? that looks exactly like what you would pay $300 for. If you actuall put time and effort into what you are doing i will bet you it will look just as good if not better than any of these other namebrand intakes. Which also leaves extra money for other mods.

whats wrong with the one in eurosportz34's pic? that looks exactly like what you would pay $300 for. If you actuall put time and effort into what you are doing i will bet you it will look just as good if not better than any of these other namebrand intakes. Which also leaves extra money for other mods.


Yah great intake, pulling in all that reall warm air... :roll:


$300? I paid $150 for my fenderwell, and it is made with, *gasp*, mandrel bent piping, powdercoated at that! Those things are on Ebay for $25...


well could you show me one of those CAI that sells for that? The powder coating i can do at work thats no big deal.




reason those lovely ones for GTPs cost more is cause they usually have a nice box around them to help block out the hot engine air.


If you wanna "fab" one out of a pizza box with a cone dangling off a piece of PVC pipe and have people laugh at you, be my guest. :roll:


Search on clubgp. There are alot of people over there that have designed them for around $60 or so.


Please, don't put anything on your car. People like you are the ones you half ass mod their car, ruining it, and piss everyone here off. People like you then show up on Ebay trying to sell a highly modded Cutlass, raced to shit and back, for $10,000. So don't even bother. Search the website, this thread is over. If you want your car to be fast, get a job, and do it right.

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