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It rises from the ashes *now with pics


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Well....after a year of having it in my possession, the much anticipated (well...for me, anyway) return has finally transpired. The TGP hit the road today for the first time since I've owned it. Granted it was far from the condition I was aiming towards for this return, I had to make due with what little time I had. Since we laid off our previous store manager, I've taken things over, which gave me approximately 0 time to work on the car. Then, 4 months after that, we moved the business all together to a busier location, which means I lost the garage space at work where I was keeping the car, and planning to do the complete restoration. So...I had to settle with towing it to a mechanic, and having him just get the damn thing running. With the assistance of a new fuel pump, new sending unit and new fuel filter, along with a professional cleaning of the injectors, it now starts with no problem. I spent most of the day today putting back the bizarre things that were taken apart/off by the previous owner. Turn signals were reinstalled (and the literally disintegrated bulbs under the headlights were replaced), radiator fan was reattached, the faceless aftermarket tape deck was removed in exchange for a stock CD player, the blown fuse for the courtesy lights was replaced, the brackets for the MAP sensor and cables running behind the upper intake plenum were bolted back down, etc. There's still quite a bit to go, but that was good enough for now to get it worthy of a test run. Not sure what the hell this guy was thinking, but man did he make a mess! :shock:


The verdict after the test drive? It needs lots more work, but she's got plenty of potential. I took it down a side street behind my apartments, and let her loose this evening (was taking it easier on her earlier in the day since I didn't know her status). Man....those wheels broke loose like there's no tomorrow, even though I was not pushing it as hard as I could (still a bit scared to until I have a better idea of what else is wrong). Certainly a lot more responsive off the line then the TSTE. The bad? It makes a horrible groaning sound when I push the accelerator beyond 1/4 of the way down (almost sounds like the moaning of a power steering pump getting ready to go out, but it has nothing to do with turning the wheel). It also tends to pull to the left when this happens, and I can feel it pull left and right when I hit imperfections in the road (feels like a tie rod). I can smell burning oil pretty badly at times, as well. I need to drive it around a bit more to get a better grasp of what else it needs, but she'll definitely be going in to a mechanic to get all suspension and braking components checked.


So...what's next? As I said, I'm going to get her checked out top to bottom for things I can't do myself. As for things I can do, I'm going to start with the red 8mm Taylor wires, the NGK Iridium spark plugs, and new AC Delco coils (all 3) and ICM. That will take care of the electrical system (minus any possible wiring issues). I'm also going to swap in a new FPR. That, along with all the previous work done, should eliminate any fuel related problems. From there, I think I'm going to put the repaired crossover pipe I bought off of TGPguy onto this car, and then have the stock TGP one repaired to swap into the TSTE. I'll assess what to do from there once I get the report from the mechanic on the rest.


And now, a moment of reflection....today was a bittersweet day. I was glad to finally get her running, but in doing so and discovering the countless, other new things I need to get done, it got me depressed at the same time, as it has now become a daunting task getting all 4 of these cars back to 100%. I found myself wondering if I'm willing to go through all this anymore. There's no one to blame but myself, as I kept buying more cars instead of concentrating on finishing one project at a time. Now I've got 4 cars that need a decent chunk of work at the least in order to be completely reliable. It's almost made me cave in to temptations like "hmmm.....those new Acura TLs are pretty cool....". I know I'd never forgive myself/would regret it if I ever got rid of these cars for a new, common one, but when you're in the heat of the moment, staring down a gigantic "to do list"....well....it's hard to think about regretting such a decision in the future. I'm going to push on for now, because the excitement of having the TGP somewhat drivable out-weighs the bad at the moment. But I can't speak for the future. I may walk away, yet.....


Anyway, just wanted to share an exhausting day of joy, and disappointment. Carry on.

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Guest TurboSedan

And now, a moment of reflection....today was a bittersweet day. I was glad to finally get her running, but in doing so and discovering the countless, other new things I need to get done, it got me depressed at the same time, as it has now become a daunting task getting all 4 of these cars back to 100%. I found myself wondering if I'm willing to go through all this anymore. There's no one to blame but myself, as I kept buying more cars instead of concentrating on finishing one project at a time. Now I've got 4 cars that need a decent chunk of work at the least in order to be completely reliable. It's almost made me cave in to temptations like "hmmm.....those new Acura TLs are pretty cool....". I know I'd never forgive myself/would regret it if I ever got rid of these cars for a new, common one, but when you're in the heat of the moment, staring down a gigantic "to do list"....well....it's hard to think about regretting such a decision in the future. I'm going to push on for now, because the excitement of having the TGP somewhat drivable out-weighs the bad at the moment. But I can't speak for the future. I may walk away, yet.....


Anyway, just wanted to share an exhausting day of joy, and disappointment. Carry on.


i know exactly what you mean, sometimes i wish i could just sell off my current two cars and get something newer and more reliable. i only have two 'project cars', and that's enough! right now i can't even call them daily drivers :? my brother has three and he's always regretted buying his last car (Spirit R/T) just because he's overloaded and has long TO DO lists for each car (just like me).


that's cool you got her running finally, i'm sure it won't be long before it really rips and is dependable. good luck.

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Damn man, that's a load.


When I finally got the intake to do my 3400 swap, I was so worried about it. The day finally came to do it, and Chris and I just started. About 12 hours later, exhausted and watching my car overheat, the temptation was definitely there to get rid of the thing, I thought I'd fucked it up good. There was coolant all over the rear head and I was sure I'd killed my previously perfect running car.


Then I found out it was just a bad thermostat, leaky coolant fitting and the system needed to be bled properly...


Just keep at it, man. It looks like you got really decent cars there, and I definitely would not give up on the TGP. Trust me, it's really a boost of your self-esteem when you do things right, and I know driving a TGP around after fixing God knows how many bullshit problems would be awesome. Keep at it. :D

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I feel bad that you need to send it to a machanic most of the time, btu hey, i guess it makes it easier for you, and they wont screw you as badley if it was a 3.4, but on the brakes, your prolly gonna get ripped in the price deparment regardless..

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i know the feeling, the day i drove my car off the frame machine after a month long bringing-back-from-the-dead i was kinda nervous, but that didn't stop me from opening the old girl up, well it didn't till i heard a really loud clunk and i remebered about the finger tiht cradle bolts :oops: so 10 minutes later and 4 impact tight bolts i was much happier.


and i still have tons of small things i need to fix with this car to make it the way i want it again. but slowly its getting there.

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Thanks for the support, guys. :D


TurboSedan: Yeah, I've known the TGP has needed a fuel pump for some time. I had my buddy test the shradder valve while I was cranking it, and it put out nada. When my buddy towed it to my work place, I was planning on doing it myself, along with just tearing everything down, and starting from the ground up. I think loosing that space has dissappointed me more then anything. I had so much planned for the car (finally having a show worthy automobile), but with the hours I worked during the 4 months that the car was there, I knew there was no way I was going to get to it. That just added to bringing me down on Saturday, because I was partially thinking "man....this thing could have been absolutely kick ass by now if I could have worked on it at the garage".


GP1138: Yeah, I've had that happen many times, too. Thinking the worst when something goes wrong, and luckily, having it turn out to be something simple. I'm definitely pushing on for now. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Z34 nut: Actually, mechanics seldom touch my cars. The only thing I didn't do on the TSTE myself was the steel brake line that broke running from the PMIII unit to the front driver's side wheel. It had to be custom made (discountined), and have fittings put on, etc. I didn't have the time to run around and buy the materials, take off the line, have someone bend some piping accordingly, put the fittings on, and put it back on the car. My biggest problem is that I live in an apartment complex in a really snobby town, so I can't be doing those kinds of major projects in the parking lot. The neighbors would call the management on me in a heartbeat. I can't take things apart, and just leave them like that if I don't finish that day. I was lucky to get done whatever I did on the TSTE at the last apartment complex, and the TGP yesterday. It's just a crappy situation. This is why, when I didn't have time to work on it at my work place, I had to have it towed to a mechanic to do the pump (because I certainly couldn't do it in my parking lot :shock: ). I figured I'd have him do the rest while the tank was down.


White93z34: That's what I keep telling myself. Just keep attacking it little by little. It'll get there. I know why I own the cars I have, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It just gets me down sometimes when one thing after another doesn't go according to plan/get done. Time restraints, and lack of workspace are really prolonging advancement on the projects. And to have things go wrong in the short amount of time I have to work on them.....it just frustrates me sometimes.


It's not like I give up easily, guys. I've endured more then just dealing with old cars. They're old, rare/odd ballcars, for which all the parts specific to them are discontinued, adding to the already enormous challenge. But I've given the same advice to others, here, when they've started doubting themselves and their choices from time to time. We endure the agony and frustration because we're true car fanatics. We can't just hop into any old car, and get from point A to point B. There's gotta' be something more to the car then that. And that is what keeps me pushing on when I grow weary. So it's not that I've forgotten what the battle was for. I guess I just needed to vent more then anything. Don't worry, I know it will get there. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.


By the way, here's a few pics of the patners in crime (the crime of robbing me blind :lol: ). They were side by side as I was using the TSTE engine bay as a blue print to put things back together on the TGP, so I figured "HEY! Kodak moment!!" Awwww...aren't the adorable?? :oops:










I know, I know. They need a bath real badly. That's probably why they hate me. :shock:

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I have just the plain white centers thank god.. looks like you have the same ones.


Lol, don't worry. Those wheels are going bye-bye very shortly. :wink:


Sean: Thanks. Yeah...it looks like the BYP valance. I think it's identicle to the one on the TSTE. Car came that way. I'd rather leave it completely off, then put something that ridiculous looking on there. Oh well. Cosmetics are the least of my concerns at the moment. This summer, I'm sure I'll find everything I need for it, anyway. :wink:

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By the way, here's a few pics of the patners in crime (the crime of robbing me blind :lol: ). They were side by side as I was using the TSTE engine bay as a blue print to put things back together on the TGP, so I figured "HEY! Kodak moment!!" Awwww...aren't the adorable?? :oops:










I know, I know. They need a bath real badly. That's probably why they hate me. :shock:


They look "Picture Perfect" to me!

I have to tell you, I finally got PONY running again! It was 1 bad fuel injector that was shorting them all out. As soon as it was replaced, I cranked it, and it started! The best part is, I did most of the work myself, with just a little supervision and a little extra muscle when needed! But I am determined to learn how to do mechanics on my PONY so I know it will be well taken care of! And the feeling of doing it yourself and getting it fixed - nothing like it!!!

Now I'm looking at possibly adding a Richard Petty edition GP to my stable. I guess once your bitten with the W-body GP bug, there is no recovering! LOL! And I'm sure you know that too, no matter what you may be feeling today, it would be like cutting your own arm off to give them up! Face it, your addicted just like the rest of us! LOL!!

Suzi :D

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ahem brake dust alert brake dust alert!!! :lol:


nice tgp(your tste is nice too but ive rode in that one)


that valence looks cool. I was wondering why it didnt look like other tgps.

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ahem brake dust alert brake dust alert!!! :lol:


damn it you beat me to it. I was gonna go *cough* Car wash! lol I'm glad to see you got her up and running. I especially enjoyed reading you used the TSTE for a "blueprint". lol :lol:

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ahem brake dust alert brake dust alert!!! :lol:


damn it you beat me to it. I was gonna go *cough* Car wash! lol I'm glad to see you got her up and running. I especially enjoyed reading you used the TSTE for a "blueprint". lol :lol:


I beat you all to it :mrgreen: :


I know, I know. They need a bath real badly. That's probably why they hate me. :shock:


Yeah, there was quite a few odd ball things undone under the hood, so I had to measure them up against the TSTE engine bay. So far, the only things that have actually cost me money on this car are the things I just got done on it/mentioned in my initial post. The missing air intake and computer/chip, I had off the TGP I parted out a couple of years ago. I wish I had kept more of that car, looking at some of the things this one needs, but I never would have guessed I was actually going to buy a car other than a 6000 STE AWD at the time. :shock:


Matt: Trust me, in person, that valance just ain't right. If you look at the wheel well in photo 3, you can see it isn't quite long enough to extend out to the end of the bumper cover. It looks pretty obvious in person that it isn't right. Not to worry. As I said, all parts aquiring will be taken care of this summer.


To add to this, I had a pretty crappy morning today. I blew out the rear driver's side tire doing 85 on the expressway. While I didn't loose control even slightly, the tire separated, and bent up the bottom of the bumper cover, knocked out my side marker, and left scuff marks on the paint all around the wheel well. :cuss: So much for knocking out some things on the to do list. Damn, man. When it rains, it poors.


On a better note, I should be receiving the...."new" wheels for the TSTE shortly. I've picked up 2 sets, and I'm looking at possibly a third, and better choice. I'll update later if everything goes through.


Hey Suzi. Glad to hear you finally got it running right! I'm pretty sure I mentioned getting the injectors checked out when you asked me what it could be a while back *nudges you in the ribs* eh? Eh? lol. I take it you took a pass on that GTP? An RPE would be a nice substitute. :wink: Yeah, I'm not getting rid of them quite yet, even with this added set back today. I just wish I had more time to attack them. I'm probably going to be selling the 1st AWD to a buddy of mine from VA. It needs quite a bit of body work (mechanically, I've changed practically everything, so I'll be taking a major hit on this one), but I know it will be in good hands with this guy. He loves the same odd ball GM cars from the same era as I do (has 2 TGPs, an S/E AWD, an STE AWD, an '86 Century GS, I think it's 10 Celebrity VR's, now etc.....). If I ever want it back, I'm sure he'll sell it back to me. But if I ever pick up another AWD, I'd like it to be dark garnett red, the only other available color. Good look with the RPE purchase, and keep us posted!

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