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Opinions on GP

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

This is the GP that I looked at tonight... Very similiar to the one Luke was looking at.




I work with the guy that owns it. (actually his daughters) He is asking $1800. It's sitting at a car lot now so I went and looked at it tonight. After letting it sit with the TGP charging it's battery for awhile it started fine. It has 114,000 miles on it. But it's not the original motor. He told me it had a 2.8 but it blew up. I popped the hood and found a 3.1. The motor runs very smooth, no noises, revs easily and comes back to idle without missing a beat. I moved the shifter through the gears and found it goes into gear smoothly and you can hardly feel it. I looked the interior over pretty good also. Everything works the way is should. The headliner looks brand new. The back buckets look like they've never been sat in. Except there are no headrests? The carpet is dirty but I can clean that. No broken or cracked plastic or trim. I went to leave and realized I didn't pull the seat covers back to see what the front seats look like. Drivers side has a tiny tear, maybe 1/2" long, on the side of the thigh bolster. Easy fix. The passenger seat is absolutely perfect. Looks like it was never sat in either. Now for the problems...

1) Heater won't switch from defrost. Probably a vacuum line. Possibly not hooed back up after the engine swap.

2)Temp. and oil lights are on. The oil gage seems to work ok though. Maybe something not hooked up after swap.

3)When you turn the headlights on the dash goes so dim you can't see it.

Bad cluster????

4)There is one spot of rust on the whole body. Just below the gas lid there is a quarter sized hole. I can't figure out how it would get a rust hole in one spot when there is no rust on the whole rest of the body?


OK, now it's your turn. What do you think? Ideas on the problems I listed? My g/f already said she wants it but I don't want to rush into it. Thanks.

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Hell yeah!!! Go for it! Sounds like a good deal to me, especially if most everything is checking out. See if he'd take $1500 for it though, can't hurt to try. Sounds like a couple of things haven't been hooked back up after swapping... should be a somewhat easy fix. Rust under the gas lid could be from prolonged spillage. Had a friend with a cutlass and did kinda the same thing. Go for it!!

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The heater control issue is most likely the vacuum ball located in front of the drivers front tire isn't hooked up or the vacuum line at the tee below the drivers shock tower, just to the lower rear of the cruise control isn't hooked up. :)

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Cult? What cult? There's no cult.. bwahaha :twisted: :lol:


Looks nice.. I'm glad to hear that yours turned out better than the one I was looking at. It actually sounds similar to the REALLY nice one that I looked at before, what options does it have?


Looks like a good deal though, so you better get it before someone else snatches it up!

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1)that has to be bad vacuum line like brian and others told me about

2)you said the oil gauge seemed to work....did the temp guage work too? If so then fuck it just pull the bulbs out of the oil and temp sockets, unless someone knows why cuz i dont understand, that doesnt makes sense.

3)what kind of dash it digital or analog? im guess its digital, and you mentioned it had a 2.8 at one point which means it must have been an 88 or 89 and SEs for those years got a digital. Is the ENTIRE cluster dimming, like the backlights too or just the LCD portion? If it just the LCD portion i think shawn knows how to fix that. what i did is i just swapped that out of another cluster


My car also doesnt have headrests in the back. i actually thought that was how they were suposed to be until i kept seeing all these pics of GPs and cuttys with backseat buckets with headrests and said to myself WTF?

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what options does it have?


It's got everything the TGP has except hud. PL, PW, PM, power seats, radio controls on wheel, power sunroof.



Aww your lucky! Did it have that cool 'Performance Sound' system? That was something I had never seen in a GP before. Wasn't much of a improvement in sound when you turned the switch on (turned on door speakers), but it was still pretty sweet. Just more fun options to play with! lol

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Guest Anonymous
It's got everything the TGP has except hud. PL, PW, PM, power seats, radio controls on wheel, power sunroof.


If you notice there is a period in there after I said no hud. That means end of sentence beginning of another. I understand some people don't use punctuation so they wouldn't know what it meant if they seen it anyway. :lol:

Let me say it a little clearer.



IT DOES HAVE every other option including the performance sound switch.

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