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Tired of fighting with this sensor.

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I have been working day to day with an issue ... purchased another sensor did not fix it. The error I am recieving is "KS Low Voltage" ... and well whats next guys? Wheres the ground for the PCM too. I've changed the wiring from the PCM to the KS and it still reads "KS LOW VOLTAGE" ...


perhaps the connector is fawked *shrugs* i'll look into that too but gimme more ideas please.


Anyone else have a PCM they can ship me? :-(


Anyway my buddy and I were AutoTap'n the car sunday night and he said at WOT I have 0 retard. But at idle its 1.9 at all times ... and the advanced timing is a negative reading whereas his was a positive so my car is in "safe mode" ... its like driving on 4 cyl's and it gets old.


I consider myself at least fairly knowlegable when it comes to these cars but what the hell is a KS sensor? Do you mean knock sensor, as in Crank Position Sensor??? Or as in the 24x (or whatever) block mounted knock sensor?


Did 3100's or 3.1's ever get the extra block mounted knock sensor?


detonation ... why do you think mustang boys blow motors left and right *snicker*


anyway, you can see from the readings here that there is something

obviously up well stating the obvious the knock sensor error up in the top

right hand corner tells ya everythign but ... all my other readings are ok

sense we only have two bank sensors and shit ...


i'm going to run yet another wire and chance the connectors cause this is driving me insane ... seriously gah.




Well, the Knock Sensor is grounded to the block. A knock senosr has the ability to create voltage.....kinda like a O2 sensor can. The PCM is simply looking for such a voltage.


Beings that its low voltage, you have an open somewhere. It could be in the PCM or it could be in the wiring.....

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