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Options on 97+ GP's


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Alright. I have been reading quite a bit on here about the new GP's and well, it's about time to sell off the Cutlass and find myself a newer car. I REALLY am looking for a 99-02 GP GT Coupe. I've thought about going the Honda route for a future investment, but can't bring myself to do that and I've looked at a TON of other cars. (Really, I'd love a BMW, but yeah...right...) Anyway, for those of you who own one, or just know a lot about them could you let me in on what some of the options are/were?


Here is pretty much what I'm looking for:

- Power Moonroof


- Heated Leather

- 2 door



Are these types of options even available on the newer cars? And please do not mention a GTP because I can not afford insurance with the supercharger. I won't really go the SE route because they seem ugly to me (only minor differences, but it's a matter of principle). So any help on options or what years certain ones were available woudl help me greatly!!




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You should be able to find a GT with all those options. I would seriously get a insurance quote to see the differance between at GT and GTP. I pay around $280 every 3 months for full coverage on my GTP.

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You should be able to find a GT with all those options. I would seriously get a insurance quote to see the differance between at GT and GTP. I pay around $280 every 3 months for full coverage on my GTP.


I probably will give them a call. Last time I talked to them about it (at age 18) they said don't even bother. Becuase I could have had a very nice GTP for pretty cheap. But, I'm 21 now so it might be slightly lower.

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You should be able to find a GT with all those options. I would seriously get a insurance quote to see the differance between at GT and GTP. I pay around $280 every 3 months for full coverage on my GTP.


I probably will give them a call. Last time I talked to them about it (at age 18) they said don't even bother. Becuase I could have had a very nice GTP for pretty cheap. But, I'm 21 now so it might be slightly lower.

Well I bought my car at age 19 and it was $280 then. (I am married though :lol: )
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just find a good 97 or 98 GTP. don't let anyone scare you away from the 97' "electrical problems" by now they have probably had the defective harnas' repplaced and if not its cheep and easy enoguh to do. plus with a 97/98 GTP is an option package rather then a model.

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I wouldn't worry too much about the options. Just look for a solid low mileage car that's in good condition. Most other options you can always add later.

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Low mileage is overrated. I've had fewer problems on 100k+ cars than most people have had with




i had more problems with my 65,xxx cutlass then i ever had with my 135,xxx Lumina


however i woulden't want a 2002 or so GP with 100k + on it already

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Yeah, a friend of mine is a small car dealer and I'm gonna have him look at the auctions that he goes too. I'm not in a huge hurry, if I sell the Cutty before I have a new car, I'll just bum rides or drive my dads Moutaineer. Whatever the case, I'm just gonna make sure it's a solid car that WILL last me more than 3 years, or should I say one that I'm gonna keep more than 3 years...

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Higher mileage is all a matter of how the car has been maintained. My friend's 96 Cavy for example has 180,000miles on it and it is still going strong. It been maintained well.

However, if the car has 180,000miles on it and its never had anything done to it expect some problems.

I also look for what type of miles are on it, Highway or City? Highway higher miler usually have nothing wrong with them, they have been driven long distances at the same speed all the time which isn't as hard on a car as city miles in my opinion.


Good luck with finding a new car !!


- Jeff L.

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Unless you have a problem with the 97 year, maybe you would want to look at a 97 gtp. For insurance, it was still considered a GT in 97, with a GTP package added on, so insurance is cheaper. Just my $.02



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Unless you have a problem with the 97 year, maybe you would want to look at a 97 gtp. For insurance, it was still considered a GT in 97, with a GTP package added on, so insurance is cheaper. Just my $.02





That applies to the 98 GTP as well.

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Guest Anonymous

i'd just look for a good GT in good shape... like said above, you can add alot of the options yourself... you may not find that "perfect" GT with everything you want- but you can MAKE it that perfect GT...

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i'd just look for a good GT in good shape... like said above, you can add alot of the options yourself... you may not find that "perfect" GT with everything you want- but you can MAKE it that perfect GT...


This is true. Ah well, I still gotta find a buyer for the Cutty first. I figure I'm better off to go into a newer car with cash rather than a trade.

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i'd just look for a good GT in good shape... like said above, you can add alot of the options yourself... you may not find that "perfect" GT with everything you want- but you can MAKE it that perfect GT...


This is true. Ah well, I still gotta find a buyer for the Cutty first. I figure I'm better off to go into a newer car with cash rather than a trade.



Yea that also what im thinking. I also want a car that can get me through the next 3 years at least with no major problems. I also need something with better gas mileage.


edit: how much are you sellin the cutty for?

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I'm gonna probably ask around $2400 or so. It's got 118k on the clock. That price is a little high, but it will need front brakes before too long, and if I can ditch it before then, more power to me.

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