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ok...well, it looks like i'm back with my original plan of the 3400 engine swap..for what it'd cost to swap the intakes onto my 3100 i get a lower milage 3400 :lol: ...so, i've been lookin around trying to get an idea of how hard the swap's gonna be...from what i've been reading, its supposed to be ALMOST plug & play...from what i've read it says i neeed to swap all my 3100 sensors onto the 3400 then swap my 3100 injectors in!?...i dunno...if anyone has any more info it'd REALLY be appriciated...if i go for the swap, i'd like to be prepared for any problems that may come about and i wanna be able to do this swap in a weekend...also, when the time comes if anyone wants to come help that'd be sweeet too...so, any advice from people that have done the swap would be great!!...thanx...


also...i've read the stuff on 3400swap.com, so there's no need to throw that one @ me...(just seemed like their swap was a grand am & i wanna know more along the lines of for a w-body...)


Use 3400 injectors but the ones pre '00. Other than that there isn't much to know. Just as long as you've taken one of these engines out, or have knowledge about it at least.


you know...i was thinking this same thing today...if it comes to swaping the engines in my cutlass and i do it....



Use 3400 injectors but the ones pre '00. Other than that there isn't much to know. Just as long as you've taken one of these engines out, or have knowledge about it at least.


:lol: well...i've never actually taken one of THESE engines out...but i've taken out a few different engines, so i'm pretty sure the basic pull/drop-in won't be much trouble...its just that i wanna make sure everythings gonna hook up (sensors, throttle cables, etc.) and its gonna run right, before i start because like i said...i wanna be able to do this in a weekend (i basically from 12pm sat. til sunday night to get it done)...


Oh no doubt. I've taken gen-2 3.1's out completely in 3 hours, and the Gen-3 is a little bit easier. Putting in of course longer due to using the torque wrench on every bolt. As far as sensors go there really isn't any issues. You have it easy being you have the OBD2 PCM (EGR, MAF, all that fun "direct fit" stuff) It does depend on what year/model the engine came from, but if you get a 96-99 you can use the EGR, injectors, sensors, etc. You'll need to swap out throttle body linkages (again pretty easy) with your current TB, and you might need to tap the coolant hose opening next to the thermostat (however the '97 3400 manifold I put in was already tapped) you'll need the 3400 specific alternator "braces" as your Vin M ones won't line up (but the bracket will work). I'm hoping to find one myself since for "fun" I was going to take my engine out to replace the oil pan gasket and lower engine mount, heck may as well put the bigger engine in (shame to toss a fine running 3100 though)


Its a pretty direct swap. Whatever 3400 part doesn't bolt up, you simply put the 3100 part on it. Things like the knock sensor and oil pressure sending unit.


There really isn't any differences between a W and N car, or a L for that matter.

(shame to toss a fine running 3100 though)


:lol: thats kinda what i was thinkin...and, my car only has 71k miles on it...my dad told me i should wait til i have problems with the 3100, then just swap the new engine in over the weekend...i wanna be prepared though...and i might even swap it in sooner then expected...i dunno yet...we'll have to wait and see...

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