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HO quad 4 air filter mod?

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Hey all,

I was just pondering a minor intake mod for my HO quad 4. Though, I have been reading that cone filters produce torque loss? Which would worry me seeing that these 4 cylinders already have small low end power... any suggestions? Should I just do a drop in KN and forget about it?




Actually, those Quad 4's take well to mods. Pretty much anything you do to it will help out some. I suggest though that if you are planning on a cone filter, have it located down near the bumper, or in the fenderwell, that way you are getting cold air.


I'd put one on any OHC engine since they are higher reving HP engines. Different for pushrods engines, where torque is more important.


Slick, I would place it near the bumper, but I drive this car in the winter, wouldn't I have to worry about getting snow into it? The fenderwell sounds like a good idea. Any little write-ups on this? I'm going to search, I just thought I'd ask.




You should be fine with it down in that area. As for the snow and stuff, if it is in the fenderwell, you would be ok. Down near the bumper, I would suggest making some sort of shield to block the stuff from entering the intake. As for a write up, sorry. There are none. But, by the battery, there are holes that you can run your tubing down into.


2.5"-3" tubing. An exhaust shop should be able to make the bends you need, unless you buy the tubing pre-bent and make your intake yourself.


APC Cone filter - 6 dollars

PVC Piping - 3 dollars

PVC elbow - 1.50

Building your own intake from scratch priceless.

APC Cone filter - 6 dollars

PVC Piping - 3 dollars

PVC elbow - 1.50

Building your own intake from scratch priceless.


Opening your hood and having the embarassment of people seeing that you used plastic for your intake is priceless.

Opening your hood and having the embarassment of people seeing that you used plastic for your intake is priceless.


After doing the previous, closing the hood and racing them and beating them after they laughed at your crappy intake is priceless.



Opening your hood and having the embarassment of people seeing that you used plastic for your intake is priceless.


After doing the previous, closing the hood and racing them and beating them after they laughed at your crappy intake is priceless.




It is very rare that a simple air intake will make you win a race, I have had maybe 1 or 2 races that have been that close, and I have raced hundreds if not thousands of cars. Trust me, I'd much rather have the 20 people a night say "damn that is clean" over winning a single race against a person I won't ever see again.


Some people just don't get a simple joke. :roll: I wasn't saying an air intake would win you a race. Just that looks don't make you go faster. It doesn't have to look good to work well. So even though it might look shitty, doesn't mean its not gonna work well.



APC Cone filter - 6 dollars

PVC Piping - 3 dollars

PVC elbow - 1.50

Building your own intake from scratch priceless.

Where can you get a cone for $6?! :shock:


Just paint it with some chrome colored paint.. :lol:


What about just wrapping regular rubber hose (from stock airbox) around it? That way it looks almost stock.. :P


I've seen APC cone filter for $29 CND (probalby $20US).


Also I think it's stupid paying like $200 for a bent piece of shiney metal. But I suppose if I had a car worth doing it I would.


Also I think it's stupid paying like $200 for a bent piece of shiney metal. But I suppose if I had a car worth doing it I would.


I paid less than 150, and it came welded perfectly, with a brand name cone, all connectors, a silicone reinforced coupler, and a mandrel bent, powdercoated aluminum intake.


I would rather build it myself and dress it up (paint and such). I'm not big on letting shops do stuff for me anymore, I have too little money to trust to any shop. lol




You guys are fucking ghetto.....espessically you Billy (C-BADASS) and Joro. I mean really......PVC?


And then you guys contiune to say, it will make you loose low end torque. Prove it. Post one single dyno chart that wasn't made by some idiot that doesn't know torque converter lockup from his ass. Even if you can (which you can't), so you loose 3 ft-lbs of torque from idle to 3k. Even with the wide as ratios of the 4T60-E you are never below that point at WOT properly driven.


This forum kills me sometimes......there are actually some pretty smart people around here that actually know whats going on. Yet the idiots that work with computers all day long think they actually know something.....and contuine to give the biggest pile of misinformation after they have been shown time and time again that they were actually wrong in their thinking.


If you are a broke ass college student, heres what you do.........don't touch your fucking car until you can do it right.


Man, are you calling me an asshole or what? I just said that I'VE READ that you loose torque. Do me a favor, stick to the topic that I ask about, don't come on here talking crap. If they have suggestions, they can give them. Geez, if PVC pipe is what works, hell, they can use it. Some people don't have the money to toss $150 in a freaking hunk of tubing (nothing against you, Aaron, just saying). Geez, man, lay the hell off.



If you are a broke ass college student, heres what you do.........don't touch your fucking car until you can do it right.


I'm a broke ass college student and still do it right.

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