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Tranny slipping

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like that article says, the filter seal ring is a bitch to get out. When I was doing mine, if I had known it was going to be so hard I would have just left it in there. But once you start, there is no turning back. I ended up bending the lip of the seal straight and cutting a slit in it with some wire cutters, then I just ripped it apart until it came out. Once you finish that part, the job is cake. make sure you have a torque wrench handy for the pan bolts. i think each bolt on my 4t60 pan got 18 ft/lbs, it should be listed in any repair manual. Also, check the trans hoses to see if they are ok, now is a good time to change them also.

Actually, he did tell me that. He said that the shop stopped replacing filters because it voided the warantee on some newer cars, plus they were prone to leaks afterwards.... I thought it seemed strange as well. He did tell me though that the way the machine worked was it moved the tranny fluid in the opposite direction and that pushed any of the debris out.


Was your engine running when they did it or was it a self powered unit that ran without the engine running?


Think about it...if it ran fluid in the opposite direction as where the filter is then all of the crap that was trapped by the filter was pushed back up into the tranny.


Most likely it is nothing more than a machine (non electrical other than the light to show you the color of the fluid). It has a diaphram in the mddle which keeps the old and new tranny fluid seperated. As you engine is running they have hooked into your tranny cooler lines in series with the machine. As the crappy fluid is pumped out by your tranny it goes into the collection unit...the diaphram is then pushing on the clean fluid to force the clean fluid back into the tranny...wah lah your tranny has been flushed. How can it work in the opposite direction if the engine is running?


The little catch can diaphram style machine will exchange the fluid...good for bad fluid...but there is now a need to replace the filter...nothing has changed in the filter. :wink: 8)



The little catch can diaphram style machine will exchange the fluid...good for bad fluid...but there is now a need to replace the filter...nothing has changed in the filter. :wink: 8)



Yea and isint it kinda pointless if you dont change the filter?

Yea and isint it kinda pointless if you dont change the filter?


Of course it is...the crap is still embedded in the filter. You can not get the shitty stuff out of the filter...it needs to be replaced. 8)

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