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i might not be a w-body owner now


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my mom is pushing me to get a diff car. thinks the lumina is too riddled with problems. has me looking at mitsu,honda,and mazda(all crap cept mazda, they're decent). anyways... i found a 85 monte carlo SS w/ rebuilt tranny, loaded for 2k nearby. my mom said its a possibility and i should look into it.

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The G-body Monte Carlo's and Cutlass's were very nice cars, in fact I see a lot of G-bodies take home awards at OCA events. Howeverl, they were not with out problems also. They are great to own and clean up and show but I don't know about daily drivers. Yes, there are people that do it but the cars normaly don't hold up well to it, guess it depends what your going for. Anyway, my point is although they are nice cars they are also 20 year old cars that are not without problems. The older V8's were great but do require routine maintence slightly beyong your average car. I would suspect that the Lumina would be a better daily driver. It may just be going through a spell. When I had my 93 Cutlass everything went out the first 10 months I had it but after that it ran great for years with no problems at all, I still see it around and talk to the guy who bought it and says it running great. Moral here, do what makes you happy and be carefull, the world of cars is a weird one :)



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well... if it is a spell, its a long ass one. i bought the car 2yrs ago, blown head gasket. worked fine for about a month, and then it had a wierd stalling problem. fixed that and the brakes went. fixed them and it blew a water pump. fixed that and sliders on one of the rears froze. fixed that and had another wierd idling problem, and low vac. fixed that and tranny was leaking, fixed that and antifreeze froze, fixed that and radiator is leaking a little, still didnt fix that, and it has a jerking/low power problem. fixing that tonight, hopefully. oh... and i had an accident in there somewhere. plus i put a hole in a fuel line. and the damage from the accident isnt fixed fully yet. its also goin in for inspection tomm, i dont think they'd appreciate me giving them a car that is dying. this was all over a 2yr period.

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G-body's have lots of problems.

My wife had one when I met her, it was junk.

Not to mention you're a lot safer in the Lumina. G-body's were not designed with safety in mind, in fact, they are one of the more dangerous cars out there in a crash. You'll find a stronger roof on a Ford Festiva.


Funny that you say Honda and Mitsubishi are crap but Mazda isn't. Mazda's are the least reliable of the Japanese cars. Honda and Toyota are consistently top-rated in both the automotive press and Consumer Reports... Honda Accord and Toyota Camry. If you want the fewest problems, I'd get one of those.


Personally, the only older non W-body I would consider buying is a 92-94 Acura Legend coupe. Those are pretty sharp and W-body size.


You might also look into a 90+ Buick Regal. Still a W-body, but statistically, they're the most reliable of the W-bodies. I'd get one with the 3800 engine.

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I couldn't figure that out either I am not a big fan of japanese cars but I do know they are a much better value then most of their americain competitors. I would never figure mazda to be better then honda or mitsubishi my moms caravan has a mitsubishi engine in it and its never had a single problem in 110k miles with 10k oil changes. But I guess everyone has had differant experiances with differant car makes.

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