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simulated overheating?


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So...i ran into town to grab a bite to eat at one of my female friend's restarunt. Couldnt have been over 2 miles. Car hadn't been driven in about 3 hours....pretty cool.


So, by the time i get close, i look down at the temp guage...and its PEGGED ON H. WTF?


I get outa the car when I get to the place (McAlisters Deli)...sit for a few minutes....with the car off....then turn on the power (but not the car)....peg is dropping...but still up there. I poped the hood...and ALL The air around the motor is cool....very odd. That engine would be pretty hot if it was as hot as it said it was. Also, which I found weird is that the heater was still putting out COLD air...as in the car hadnt wamed up yet.


By the time they made my sandwich and i was done talking to the gal (really no more than 20 minutes), being off, when it came back on....the guage was normal...and no problems all the way home.



Anyone ever seen this? It doesnt supprise me by far with this car( I dont have many problems...but expect anything outa this thing). I was supprised that it actually spun a wheel on dry pavement leaving the house (pretty pissed off)...now thats a freak of nature :lol:



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Classic case of the thermostat sticking closed. The stat wasn't allowing the hot engine coolant flow to the radiator. You might want to think about changing it soon...

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dam wax based t-stats!



t-stats suck but are cool in how they work, if the wax melted regardless, it should of opened the valve from pressure. i dont see how the t-stat could of stayed closed unless its fuxored somehow!

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but honestly...if any of that happend...wouldnt the engine be pretty warm as well?


stupid me forgot to check the overflow resv....woudl easliy let me knwo what sup.

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engine should of been hot. Id have to say keep an eye out on it. Go over small misc shit on the car dealing with cooling/ cooling sensors. for it to do that once is oddball. but then again you know our cars man! :wink:

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If the engine was cold, that still doesn't explain why the gauge was reading it as hot. I'm going to go off and say its the temperature sensor, on the car.

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car did it again!



I was heading down to my classs...started all over again. Checked more this time. Top rad. hose was hot...bottom was cold. Overflow was full. Very very odd. I had hit the gas on the way...and noticed a little bit of smoke behind me (yeah...headgaskets maybe?). Guage said it was overheating then.


Sure enough, went over and toped it off with water (remember....engine said it was overheating? I easily pulled the rad top off). Took like 10oz of water. Started it up, nothing...car was running cold.


Got home, no problems.


Gahh...i used to get all pissed off at this thing when it did this...now i cant stop laughing (and the fact that my mom got into an argument with me caus i mssed a class). i was hoping to move out within a few weeks...but dunno whats up now caus the car my take a shit.




any new ideas?

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one other thing...dad thinks its more of a t-stat. he knows al this stuff...but said its been a while for him working on a 3100


anyone here done one? Im kinda currious how hard it is (so i can expect how much it may cost)



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so i was to get the car back today


dad let it idle for 2 hours...nothing.


GF drives it off the lot, less than a mile later its up again :bash:


I dunno whats up. Dad said he bled the coolant. But when Debs brought it back into the shop...she said it bled for a few more minutes! And dad said that he had to put almost another hlaf a gallon of fluid in. No leaks though.


In other news....the overflow resivor was boiling. Top of the radiator was measured at 190*, while the bottom was 80*.


When he put the water in, and bled the system again...he drove it around and looked fine. HE still has it...and going to drive it around tomorw morning and see whats up.


If that doesnt work...hes thinking new radiator or new engine. Could be gaskets...but engine has 150k miles. Gahhh I hate this car at times! :bash:


anyone have other ideas? Or info?

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bad radiator cap!!! if its going into the overflow the radiator cap cant hold the preasure.


i road with someone with a bad radiator cap we were smoking down the highway. over heating and everything lol. only took a few hard races and 5 miles. damn fords lol

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Hah...so like a $5 part :)


Imma ask him to presure check the radiator and cap as well.


what would the huge diff in temperature mean thhough?



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