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00-05 Impala Audio Question **UPDATE w/pics**

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**EDIT** Problem solved, scroll down for install pics



Alright, I know there are very few of us 2nd-Gen Chevy "W" owners on the forum, but I need a question answered. Actually if anyone else knows the answer, feel free to chime in.


My Impala has a factory amp mounted in the trunk. Now I don't even know if it only powers the rear speakers or all 4, but I need to know if I can just hook up an aftermarket stereo to the factory wiring and have everything function normally. I looked around on Crutchfield and Installer.com and they list nothing for integrating non-Bose factory GM amps.


I've already seen the "Class II Data Bus Interface" but it seems that all that does is restore the chime function that you lose when removing the stock headunit.


I guess as a last resort, I could always rewire the speakers and avoid using the factory amp altogether :shrug: although I'm kinda tepid to the idea of tearing apart my wife's brand-new car this soon.


Anybody have any insight? Your input is greatly appreciated.



besides loseing the chime i think it would work alright seeing how they are "normal" speakers...


You could install the aftermarket headunit just fine I would assume. Most of GM's newer external amplifiers run off of a speaker line signal verses the line level signal that the old Bose setups used to use.

I remember reading something over on ClubGP about this topic. The guy was able to wire up his factory headunit and tuck it away so he wouldn't lose the chime features and whatever else comes with it. He then wired up the aftermarket one in tandem to the factory one (I believe). I'd try digging around on their forums since the 04' Impalas and 04' GP's use similar systems.


I've seen those harnesses that allow you to hide the stock radio in the trunk, but they cost just as much as the Metra GMRC-01 Chime Interface Module, which takes over the chime functions without having to keep the stock radio.


That's some good info, though, Luke. Thanks!


so, you're putting a aftermarket HU in your impala!?...doesnt your car us the radio to control some of the functions (such as oil life monitor!)?....i'm not sure your car is this way, but the last impala i serviced @ work required you to use the radio to turn the CHANGE OIL light off...wouldnt that make things a lil difficult with the aftermarket HU if that's the case!?... :?

so, you're putting a aftermarket HU in your impala!?...doesnt your car us the radio to control some of the functions (such as oil life monitor!)?....i'm not sure your car is this way, but the last impala i serviced @ work required you to use the radio to turn the CHANGE OIL light off...wouldnt that make things a lil difficult with the aftermarket HU if that's the case!?... :?
Interesting. I'll have to read over the owner's manual a bit more to find out for sure. All I can remember reading about the radio having any control over is the Auto Locking. I guess if worse comes to worse, I can always buy the "Radio Trunk Relocation Kit."


I'm changing out the radio for 2 reasons:

1. I hate the idea (whether true or not) of having to have the damn stock radio reprogrammed by a Tech II every time I disconnect the battery.

2. My wife really really really misses being able to play MP3 discs :lol: . That's as good a reason as any right there :wink: ...

why not just get a stock mp3 player for the car? :?


Because it sucks.

Not to mention it's overpriced!


I already have the Pioneer MP3 deck out of the wife's old Loomie ready to go in. I really don't want to bother with the added bullshit of the stock radio needing reactivation at the dealer every time I disconnect the battery...


Well I found all the answers I need here:



You can reset the "Change Oil Soon" warning without the stock HU connected. Also, the stock HU will not need resetting after disconnecting the battery.


The main site to the above link has a ton of info on the 00-05 Impalas! If anyone else is interested, here's the link:


  • 3 weeks later...

Well I finally got the Pioneer DEH-P7600MP from the old Lumina installed in the Impala today. To answer the question I posed earlier, yes everything works splendedly! The Metra GMRC-01 chime interface also has the "install harness" included, so the whole ordeal was plug-n-play. That damn chime is loud, though! I had to use a tiny piece of cardboard to try to muffle the sound and it's still loud as hell!!!


Here are some pics of the custom Head Unit mount that I bought from MapTech Enterprises:


With the headlights off



With the headlights on




Couple of other mods that I was going to do today included mounting a "PanaVise" cell phone bracket, and a brushed aluminum gauge bezel. I ran into problems with the cell phone bracket because it mounts to one of the bolts holding the radio in place. Since I installed the new HU mount, that part sticks out a tad bit farther than when the stock radio is in the car, so the bracket needs to be re-bent so it can slide under the dash trim.

The lense around the dash cluster is glued on instead of bolted, so I'm going to have to buy another cluster from e-Bay cause I don't want to run the risk of screwing this one up!


:shock: thats fuckin hott...is that HU mount from humount.com!?...how much did that sucker set ya back!?...


Oh man, THAT'S what I was trying to find for Shawn like.. 8 months ago. I couldn't remember thes site to save my life.


Thanks for the compliments, guys!

:shock: thats fuckin hott...is that HU mount from humount.com!?...how much did that sucker set ya back!?...
Yep it's from humount.com (MAPtech Enterprises.) It cost me $80 total, shipping included (I paid extra for the RED illumination and the brushed aluminum faceplate, otherwise it would have been $45.) I ordered the mount for the 00-05 Monte Carlo, and had him make me a custom Impala logo (I had to send him a JPEG of the "Impala" script.) Basically the mount itself is a thick chunk of plastic, and the plate with the logo attaches to the front after you install the stereo in the mount.


Now that I think of it, I should've taken some pics of the mount before I put it in the car. The guy who made it for me (his name's Mark Penny) actually sent me a "finished" pic before he shipped it out:



On some cars, you have to cut out a bit of the plastic that sits behind the stereo because you're essentially pushing the HU back further by having it sit flush. On the Impala, there was plenty of room so no surgery was required...

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