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Problem***My Car Smoke***Need Help

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Hi everybody,


I have a problem. Monday I remove my plenum on my Lumina 1992 3.1L for the first time. I clean my plenum with CLR or if you like Motor Cleaner. I change my EGR gasket, TB gasket, Plenum gasket. I change the PCV valve. So today I put back together. Everything is fine but when I start the car after 2min the car begin to smoke, and the Idle was not regular. He smoke from the exaust manifold. They have a lot of smoke. But I dont know why he smoke like that. Before I remove the plenum the car did not smoke.Somebody can help me??


Thanks Frank


Maybe you just spilled something on there and it is burning it off..or the gasket is leaking??


- Jeff L.


have you let the car run for a while to see if it clears up? it may have been some oil or something on it to cause the smoke..


Did the Smoke have any smell?? sweet, oily?


and is it comming from the front or rear manifold?

also did you double check to make sure the bolts are tight? and the egr tube not Cracked?


My SES light flash and he give me the code 35. So i will change my IAC tomorrow and I will check if the problem stop. I will let you know tomorrow.


Thanks Frank


Why would you use CLR on your car? Isn't that a bathroom cleaner?


Code 35 is either a failure on the IAC or a vacuum leak. Did you make sure you torqued all the bolts to specs, or did you just "Snug" them? I'm betting the plenum isn't sealing and your IAC is trying to compensate to no avail.


yes I put some CLR on my IAC.


So yesterday I changed my IAC for a new one and now my car do the same thing.The car stop smoking but the idle is not regular. Now my car give me the code 33(MAP sensor=signal voltage is high during engine idle.

(Note: Engine misfire or unstable idle may cause this code). My car have a unstable idle. First question: Where is the MAP sensor(with pic if it possible) and second: What I need to do to repair the map sensor??


Thanks Frank

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