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somebody please help!

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Ok, so after replacing the starter in my piece of shit 01 Malibu, I reconnected the battery. When doing so, I went to start the car, and I noticed that the radio presets were all lost EVEN THOUGH I put a memory saver adapter in the cigarette lighter. I'm not sure if any of you have used these, but it's runs off of a 9V battery. Well anyways the BRAND NEW 9V was dead. So now I am royally screwed in the ass because the radio has the factory antitheft lockout on it and I don't have the code. I'm sure if you guys have a new Impala or Monte know what I'm talkin about. Its not like the older radios, for example, like my dad's 97 Lumina. On his radio you could program and de-program the antitheft yourself. These RDS radios come from the factory and only the dealers house the codes.


So, is there anything I can do to get this de-coded without going to a dealership and getting raped there? I was told $37 +tax... I dont feel like spending this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


So what you're saying is that even if your battery were to simply, go dead, because of leaving your lights on or what not, you have to pay $37 to get your radio unlocked? I don't think even GM is that stupid........... well, I could be wrong.


Sorry I can't help.




Well.. I just checked GM Service Information.. and pretty much anything doing with the radio reprogramming has "connect the scan tool" as the first step... so it looks to me like you're screwed...


You gotta be shittin' me! I thought the new radios had the vehicle's VIN number stored in memory and when you switched the radio on, it compared the VIN with the VIN stored in the BCM. Well lucky for me, I know someone with access to a TECH 2 scanner :D .


If that shit ever happens to me though, I'm ditching the Delco headunits altogether!


you guys freakin rule!... it worked, now I have my radio back! Thanks a bunch! :D :D :D :D :D :D

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