GutlessSupreme Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 Let it be noted to all, that in hindsight, it was a really dumb idea to do so much as to remove the throttle body on an engine that was as dirty as the TGPs.. Before any major parts/gaskets are removed, the entire engine should be soaked with degreaser and power washed. Alright, so on with it. Valve covers and LIM on the TGP are off. The surrounding areas on the heads and block were pretty damn dirty: greasy, sandy, etc.. and of course, as I pulled the valve covers and intake manifolds a lot of small trash began falling into the heads, cam case and oil passages. This may or may not include small pieces of LIM gasket and RTV that I was cutting/pulling off in a fit of rage making a piece of RTV fall into a valve passage (I believe I got it out though, along with 90% of any gasket bits). Now, question is... how can I clean all this shit out before I starting putting things back together? There's no way in hell I'm pulling heads to clean them, I've already scared myself with how deep I've gone into the engine (hoping I'll be able to get it all back together..). That would still leave any small shit in the cam case as well.. how can I flush all this shit out? Also, I noticed a lot of white muck looking build up in the coolant passages in the block.. would that be something to clean after it's all put back together? Like running some of that cleaning stuff through the whole system? Or should I do something while it's apart now? One more.. if I Chem Dip the LIM, would the injectors/rail be fine if I left them on, or should I pull them? Thanks :? Tony Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted March 16, 2005 Author Report Posted March 16, 2005 I have this unfounded fear about pulling them and lighting my car on fire upon reinstallation *cough*jeff*cough* Quote
GTPrix Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 Try taking a shop vac to it ad suck up any loose shit. I feel stupid, but what is a LIM? And what is chem dipping? Drew Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted March 16, 2005 Author Report Posted March 16, 2005 LIM = lower intake manifold chem dip = parts cleaner shop vac = no go because all of the shit's oily so it's sticking to the metal + our shop vac can barely pick up little shit as it is. Quote
DiscoStudd Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 I'd drop the oil pan for sure. I don't want to make any "serious" suggestions on how to clean out the motor, but maybe try hosing it down with aerosol degreaser and letting 'er dry before dropping the oil pan ... Quote
R Dubya Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 you removed the LIM. You have the injectors sitting there, and there are 4 bolts holding them on. I believe they are 8mm. Then it's simply a matter of prying it gently and evenly to remove the entire rack. Then take the LIM and have it cleaned. Just make sure that you replace the o-rings. It's not a big deal, don't be scared to do it. You've went this far, you might as well. You've done the hardest parts. To me, the hardest part was getting the heater core back on the x-over side. Quote
no1kicker Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 The injectors do come off pretty easy. Make sure you get the right O rings for fuel, I think they have to be for nitrogen. Should only be a few bucks at the dealer. If you think the rest of the engine is greasy, wait till you get to the oil pan. I'd try a vacuum with an extension for the stuff on the block. If you can find a good one. Anything small will be ok just change the oil after the first run to get the debris out. And maybe again after a few more miles just to be sure. Don't know if I'm right, but I think the white muck is from very short trips when it's cold out. Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted March 16, 2005 Author Report Posted March 16, 2005 Because every thread sucks without pics from driver's side from pass. side fucking mess looks emtpy o.O Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted March 16, 2005 Author Report Posted March 16, 2005 Dropping the pan was being planned, I wasn't sure how I should get all the stuff down to that point first though without running it (if possible). hopefully it won't be too bad :? I'll see what I can do with the vac but I don't think it'll be much.. And thanks guys for the rail instructions.. it didn't really look that difficult, just being dumb about it.. anyone happen to know the o-ring part numbers off hand? The injectors are out of the DOHC, if that makes a difference. Quote
gp90se Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 MY POOR CAR!!!! dont worry about little pieces of gasket in the intake, they'll burn off when u fire it up. autozone has a set of new o-rings for like $5 and they are the same as 3.1. in all fairness, my injector leaked, not because of the o-ring. While ya in that deep, roller rockers arent much money. Buy a new alternator bracket, I dont know why there were washers there as spacers, but rather then dick around with it. if you have any questions, u have my cell # Quote
White93z34 Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 the heads aren't too much more work to yank, and its worth it to do headgaskets if they have never been done. just ask john and i we had his heads on and off like 4 times last weekend. Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted March 25, 2005 Author Report Posted March 25, 2005 Before it starts going back together: -LIM cleanup -head/block cleanup -oil pump drive o-ring -LIM gasket -1.6 3100 rocker install -Fuel injector o-rings -Fuel line o-rings (on hard lines from nylon hose to rail) I need: -all o-ring part numbers from above list -gasket surface cleaning instructions? -and may be back for rocker install instructions Quote
dbtk2 Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Well shit, I didnt know you were that deep into the engine. Pull off the valvetrain and the front cover and drill a hole in the wheelwell, and for $150 you would have yourself an aftermarket cam in that car...which would wake it up a lot more than roller rockers. Shawn Quote
Canada Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 I didn't take the time to read whats been posted already.... I work for a dealership.......I have done several intakes, this is what you do... -Clean all the manifolds, at least the lower, in a hot tank.....for you, this would pry best be done at a machine shop. -Razor blades are your best friend. -Brake clean is your best friend. -Vacuum it. -Once everything is cleaned up, cover the oil gallery with fresh oil to flush any dirt/debri that you might of missed down to the bottom of the pan. Remember, you will be changing oil before you start it anyways. Quote
GutlessSupreme Posted April 2, 2005 Author Report Posted April 2, 2005 Well shit, I didnt know you were that deep into the engine. Pull off the valvetrain and the front cover and drill a hole in the wheelwell, and for $150 you would have yourself an aftermarket cam in that car...which would wake it up a lot more than roller rockers. Shawn I can't wait any longer don't tempt me damnit! I didn't take the time to read whats been posted already.... I work for a dealership.......I have done several intakes, this is what you do... -Clean all the manifolds, at least the lower, in a hot tank.....for you, this would pry best be done at a machine shop. -Razor blades are your best friend. -Brake clean is your best friend. -Vacuum it. -Once everything is cleaned up, cover the oil gallery with fresh oil to flush any dirt/debri that you might of missed down to the bottom of the pan. Remember, you will be changing oil before you start it anyways. Thank's a lot Canada. That description's exactly what I needed. LIM didn't get hot tanked, but I did play with it in a parts cleaner for a good while, then went over gasket surfaces quick die grinder swipe to clean them up quick. Cleaned the new rockers too, but they were still wet when I had to leave so needless to say they're covered in shit again.. they'll get a quick oil bath in the morning before they go in. Took off the old rockers today. Got an intake gasket kit from Napa.. odd material, I've never seen it before. But whatever. I haven't had my camera but I'll snap some pics if my friend remembers to bring it with him tomorrow. I found it funny that Napa includes the oil pump drive o-ring with the intake kit I had already gone to the Jeep/Pontiac dealer up the road though and bought the silicone GM o-ring anyway though. Went over most of the head gasket surfaces with a razor blade.. little bit more to do. Still picking small chunks of gasket off the block in the oil gallery (curse my impatience and temper). I'll break out a vacuum and get what I can, I might end up using tweezers too though.. eh. I got a spare qt. of some cheapy oil leftover my from gf's oil change, so I'm gonna try to wash everything down as best as I can with that before I do the gasket. There is SO much little shit in there... fucking idiot for not degreasing/powerwashing the outside before I took it apart, then the gasket thing, then leaving it wide open for a month :x I'll probably end up buying another because I won't be satisfied. I just hope enough of it makes it all the way down to the pan. Oh yea, I said screw pulling the pan.. after I actually got under and took a look at it.. yea.. so more clean up, oil wash, then rtv goes on, gaskets, pistons rotated to TDC, rockers, more rtv, LIM and i'm one small step closer to driving this bitch > Did I mention that tomorrow is the first full Saturday I have off in a long time, and we're supposed to get 3" of rain and lots of wind? some how I have to clean the garage and make the damn thing fit again.. fucking idiot for parking it with it's rear towards the garage. wouldn't been much easier to just push the front end in. oh well. maybe'll we'll be able to close the door anyway... Quote
Guest TurboSedan Posted April 2, 2005 Report Posted April 2, 2005 i wouldn't worry about pulling the oil pan. don't worry too much about small chunks of RTV or gaskets....that shit will burn up and get caught in your oil filter real quick. if anything change the oil early after the engine is back up and running. Canada is absolutely right; Brakleen and razor blades and new clean rags are your best friend when cleaning gasket surfaces!! btw i cleaned my LIM really good with several cans of Brakleen, a tooth brush, a brass brush, clean rags and a Dremel with a SS wire wheel to get the hard gunk off. and go ahead and pull the heads why not? you're already in that far deep and it's alot easier than you may think...just clean the surfaces really good, run a tap down the head bolt holes, buy new head bolts, and torque them to spec in the proper sequence with new Fel-Pro gaskets. i was scared to pull them off too at first but now that i've done it seems really easy (i'm pulling the front cylinder head off my 3.1 Turbo again tomarrow). good luck! Quote
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