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daaaammn its cold


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was flushing out my radiator to get it cleaner, drove it for about 5 mins to get the water circulating, and guess what? yep... it froze in the radiator. boy is that fun... anyone else have weather cold like this?

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yeah, its like 8* at night and not much warmer in the day time and my GP aint used to this weather, she is used to KY weather not this Indiana snow and stuff. I have to let her warm up for like 10 minutes, or its acts all crazy and stuff. Like, it feels like it is missing, so I put some of that stuff that absorbs water in the gas tank and I hope that helps. And the tranny sometimes acts up......oh well, I just want it to be warm, b/c all these problems didn't start happening untill it go really cold.

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yah it's been averaging -12 Celcius around here, sometimes better, sometimes worse (without the wind chill factor) but I can't say i've had any car trouble from the cold weather. the cutty's used to it by now.

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Colder than a witches _ _ _ here in Maine too.


In the neg #'s for about a week but the GTP starts every day, infact all my car start first try, guess the tune-ups and good charging systems pay off huh?



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I hate cold. but the strangest thing I live near chicago and we have received little snow and when we do it melts before the nexts snow. I also think we haven't hit zero yet, single digets but not zero or negatives, thank god! winter suck

p.s. not a wussy in cold weather but I work out side so i hate it.

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Must be challenging for automotive manufacturers to design things to work flawlessly in -30F or 130F weather. Parts expand and contract, plastics degrade in hot sun and get brittle in extreme cold. If they only had to design for operation in a narrow temperature range, would a car cost less and have less design compromises?

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