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97 GP wiring pinout needed...

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For you 97+ guys-


On my new car somebody has previously rerouted a wire that apparently goes from the coil packs to inside the car thru the firewall. It is the green wire. They ran it across the top of the supercharger and it is hard and discolored from the heat, not to mention it looks like shit. Can somebody help me out here?


Thanx in advance








Pictures kinda suck, but I think you get the idea.



nice speeling




Shut Up dude! :roll:




Wonder why the hell they did that? I'll take a look at mine tommorow morning and get back to you.


Alright thanx SL.


Yeah its a real hack job, but I have no idea why it was done. I just asked the previous owner and he claims to know nothing about it.



nice speeling




Shut Up dude! :roll:




Wonder why the hell they did that? I'll take a look at mine tommorow morning and get back to you.


oh comon fucker


Ok... I just went out and snapped a better pic of that wire. Now, it looks to me like its a baby blue color, not green. Also, its not coming from plug on the bottom of the coil packs, but rather is heading to it - then was rerouted to the firewall. The pics will better explain...






By the way, I measured the pulley and I believe it is the stock one. That ASP sticker I believe might be from a trans cooler that is on there. Not exactly sure if its a trans cooler, but it site in front of the radiator and looks like a mini version of it???



Thanx in advance.







i dont appear to have one stick out like that



perhaps its a tach sensor??? thats the only reason why you would tap into the coil packs



dont know why that was needed, unless previous owner got an aftermarket tach lol

you see that distributer cap

nope....that car doesnt even have a distributer... :roll:


Mine doesn't have that wire either, none even the same color. Maybe cut it and see what happens? :lol:

you see that distributer cap

nope....that car doesnt even have a distributer... :roll:


oh comon fucker

you see that cap











If you don't have anything to add, then don't post. Of the three posts you've made to this thread, absolutely none have helped CustomCutlass in any way. On top of that, the first two were rather rude.


Grow up.


EDIT: Four posts now, and still useless.


So do you guys not have that baby blue wire, or not? The interior is completely stock...




you see that cap











If you don't have anything to add, then don't post. Of the three posts you've made to this thread, absolutely none have helped CustomCutlass in any way. On top of that, the first two were rather rude.


Grow up.


EDIT: Four posts now, and still useless.




Oh Comon motha


So none of you guys have a wiring diagram or service manual so that I can figure out what this wire is for? I would really like to get that wire off of the top of the engine. If I can't figure it out, i'll just cut it and run it differently so that its in a better spot.



So none of you guys have a wiring diagram or service manual so that I can figure out what this wire is for? I would really like to get that wire off of the top of the engine. If I can't figure it out, i'll just cut it and run it differently so that its in a better spot.




Actually, I have access to GM Service Information, so I'll see what I can dig up. I just now remembered that! :idea:


Do you have a remote starter installed in the car? It could be the tach sensor wire for it. I dunno why the wire was run the way it was, but whoever did it wasn't the most intelligent person in the world. :lol:


According to the ICM wiring diagram I found for your car, that light blue wire is apparently for the knock sensor.




I think LukeZ34 is on the right track, that's were I take the tach signal on 3800s when I do remote starts. Pull that tape back a bit and see if it's tied into the white wire.


Hmmm....there is no remote start hooked up, that I know of. I will pull back the loom and see if that lt. blue wire is taping into another wire. If it is for the knock sensor, why would someone tap into that and run it into the car?



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