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surgeing on thie highway

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alrighty this ongoing problem has been agrivateing me to no end, anyhow. on the highway my car will sometimes surge really strange.


heres the deal, my cruise control is inop at the moment, i even disconnected the cable from the TB to help narrow the problem down.


when cruiseing from 50-70ish on the highway and holding my foot on the gas to maintain speed the rpms will be around 2000-2500~ and out of no where it seems it will kick up to 3000 and drop back and keep on doing that as long as i hold my foot in that place on the throtle. i kinda want to say its a TPS, but i'm not sure.


I also have this problem and could not fiqure out what the fuck it was.


it sounds like the torque converter is unlocking and there is a switch for the TCC and the brake lights (there maybe two seperate ones) It is under the dash and is controlled by the brake pedal, it may just need to be adjusted. Because when you hit the brake on the highway the TCC will disengage and if that switch is freakin out it it maybe your problem.


i have no idea where this switch is located. anyone know where for sure it is.


i tried hitting the brakes on the highway when its in the middle of doing that it seemed to make no difference.


my boss feels it may e the TCC solonoid or something like that and mentioned that i may have to pull the side pan off to replace it. i'm really in the dark with this problem.


i had a similar problem caused by my alternator


but unless your voltage is going crazy, it's prolly not the case


no my voltage stays about the same no matter what.


also when its in the middle of one of its episodes if i drop it back to D from OD it will stop but it feels like it almost wants to do it still.


I'd say check out that TCC switch under the dash...sounds like something that is relatively easy to rule out and a inexpensive fix...

I know sometimes my TCC wouldn't lock up..but I later discovered it was a temperature related issue..so I just the motor warm up longer..maybe a sesnor is saying your temp is to cold and it unlcoks the TCC..but thats just a shot out in the dark..sounds like a very wierd issue though

Good luck with finding it out man!


- Jeff L.


the TCC switch is right by the brake light switch under the dash on the brake pedal stem. The TCC switch should have a vacuum line going to it and see if they are adjusted properly.




i looked at it, the Brake light switch works fine, and off the brakelight switch is a vaccum line, all seems to be in order up there. would changeing my TPS be a good idea?


i'm really getting lost/fed up with this problem.


where exactly is the TCC switch, i looked up there about as far as i could see, i'll have to get a flashlight and check.


the TCC switch is right by the brake light switch under the dash on the brake pedal stem. The TCC switch should have a vacuum line going to it and see if they are adjusted properly.





Um but i beleave that it is the switch that turns off your cruise control. You push dont the brake when its on an it breaks the vac. seal and shuts the cruise off :?:


there is a vaccum line comeing off the brake light switch too, i assume thats for the cruise shut off.


as far as the TCC switch, i haven't got a flashlight so i could look up there yet.

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