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Hi Folks,


Well I'm just making some progress on diagnosing a problem I mentioned here a while ago (see http://www.w-body.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15679).


Anyway, I'm pulling the cam carriers off to inspect the valvetrain (The rear one is off already, front one should be off sometime next week). Now, I"m wondering, How do I tell if a lifter is collapsed or not?


The valve springs and valves stems look fine on the rear. While I've got it off, I'm going to go ahead and pull the cams out of the carrier to inspect them as well.


I also have A secondary question, can anyone think of other things I should check while I have the car apart this much? (I don't really want to pull the heads at this point, but I might do that If I can't find anything wrong on the top end).




I suppose nobody has any advice 'eh?


I do now have all 24 lifters out of the car (and I didn't have to hunt for many while doing it).


This thread on 60degreev6: http://www.60degreev6.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=2320 makes me think there is too much play, so I'll probably drop a new set of lifters in the car when I get around to putting it back together.


Incidentally, I think it may just about be time to cut my loses and just pull the motor. I haven't found anything on the top end yet that leads me to believe I've found the cause of the noise.


The only thing I have left to do before I get to that point is to pull the camshafts out of the cam carriers and inspect them, along with the cam bearings, for signs of damage. (I haven't pulled the heads off yet to peak inside, I might do that too, but at least the front one has to go back on to pull the motor from above.)



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