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If my day got any better, I would have to shoot myself...


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So, I messed up setting my alarm, and ended up not getting up in time for my first class, which is taught by my girlfriend's father of all people. So thats just not good. Then, to make things even better!!!!!!

My car is royally screwed up. I pulled up to a stop sign, looked right---clear, look left---clear, glance rigth again just ot make sure nobody was making a turn, get on the gas and WHAM, a truck was traveling very fast over a hill to the left, so in the short time I looked right, he was there. Well, I hit him, HARD.

BUT ALL I DID TO HIS S-10 WAS POP HIS TIRE! I ripped his valve stem off and the chrome trim ring on his rim! THATS IT! My front bumper is so messed up all I can do is make left turns.

AND TO MAKE IT WORSE! Its gonna be put on my head since I pulled out the stop sign and struck him. FORGET THE FACT HE HAD TO BE TRAVELING 10 OVER THE SPEEDLIMIT!



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I hate thes days.... I usually give up on the rest of the week when things like that happen to me..

here was my worst day

* lost my retainer ($200)

* totaled my car ($8,000)

* got 7 staples in my head, 4 stiches in my ear and sraped up hands

* got arrested for a bogus warrent (court messed up)

* sat in jail for 4 hours until my mom bailed me out ($1,100... was later refunded)

* missed out on a killer party with some KILLER ladies!

* cop confenskated an knife not legal in colorado.. *snif* it was nice :(


that was a SH*TTY DAY!



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damn man, you managed to fit all that in a day!? I had a hard time finding time to fit my too little bad things in one day. Wow! You must be good at it or something!!! hahaha

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damn... you guys all get real bad things... i usually have a good day that turns bad. like when i was over at a friends house, went out to a store, and when i was on the way back, my brakes locked up on a wet road.. smashed into a beamer. that ruined my week easily. im still recovering from it. course... then the cop told me that the guy had the option to have my lisence suspended, and that made me feel like crap. im just happy he didnt do anything about my fuzzy dice. so that was a little better. i didnt wanna do anything for a long while. oh yeah... i also got in trouble for not being at work that day.

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hrm... i spoke too soon... was going to work today, and about halfway there i noticed a white cloud behind my car... dismissed it since it went away. got a little farther and saw the temp light(stupid no gauges). stopped and a cloud poured out of my hood. i burst a coolant line. that made me late for work, which ive been in trouble for several times. had to have the car towed, AAA was more like the Ass Association of America. morons... burnt myself at work. they let me out early(less pay). got home, and started to work on my car. found out that coolant froze in my block. bad things... hoping everything is alright. trying to thaw it now. wish i had a block heater

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