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Issues, Issues, Issues ...

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Well, I'm on the ball again. Weather is starting to pick up and so is my willing to start working on the cutlass again.


I'm trying to answer my questions myself but I still can't seem to figure it out. I said a while back that I'm having a problem with high idles when I start the car in the morning, but, once its been running or after I get to a stop sign and put the break the trans obviously brings the engine back down to idle. Someone said something about a Temp sensor that is on the block, or, for the coolant? Something or another. Only appears todo it on extremely cold days and not when the sun is beating on it and making the obvious areas warmer then normal (as for the weather patterns we're seeing in mid-michigan...)


Now, I'm tired of slamming this girl into drive with her like that in the morning. Clearly I have no patience... and I am well aware of what this is doing to my transmission.


I need a few things: One is a PCM. I was told that either my PCM or ground wire for the PCM is crap so I would seriously like to give both of them a shot. Some of the readings on my PCM according to a few techs are saying that its readings pretty high.


I really wish to narrow this down. I'd love to keep this engine as prestine (well not pretty looking) but useable as possible. She's just now hitting 145k.


So questions really are. (easier to respond too)


1. Where's the ground for the PCM/or where is the ground period for the car. I'm looking to OT guage it :)


2. If someone could find me a PCM and tell me how much it'd be for shipping that would be awesome.


More soon but that'll be in a different thread in this topic so ... be at your will thanks.


So, my lack of expertise is in your guys hands!


Sounds like the calling card of bad intake gaskets to me. Spray some Carb Cleaner around the intake mating surfaces with it running and see if the idle changes.


Extremely common problem on these blocks.


Nice lookin' ride you have there!


i refuse to believe that ... when the gaskets were going it did not act like this when it happen at 94,000 miles ...


but i guess i'll check it out...


another is that of when i unplugged the TPS with it running the idle went to norm... so *shrugs*


getting tired of replacing all these damn sensors.


Well i was having 180 problems then you my car was ideling really low where it would stall out 30 buck later and a iac running normal. But im still running rich but i have the a fpr on the way so hopefully that fixes it. I would change out my tps if i was you "murrays 17.99" for 1 i checked them out while i was there getting mine. I feel ya on this fucked up weather were having im 30 mins north of detroit so i feel ya!!!!


Well the two might be related... I know with my Lumina if the engine is cold (not normal operating temp) and I take it on the highway the final gear revs higher then usual.. and then once it warms up everything goes back to normal. So maybe the TPS is saying you are going a certain speed and it wants to rev the engine more to warm it up???

How high is your idle in the morning?

Mine is around 1200rpm for about 30 secs..then it slowly falls to normal.. 800-850rpm I think.

So, it will only do this high idle when cold.. but never when hot(or warm start)?


Either way, hopefully it isn't anything major man!


- Jeff L.


about the same but she'll stay that way for awhile.


like i said i unplugged the tps sensor and she went down immediatly.


tell me a few other things i can do to piss this motor off as its doing to me.


when its really cold i've found it to rev up to 3000 rpm ... i shut the car off then she goes and stays at 700 ~ 1000 rpm (normal right?) and during the summer its fine.


700 to 1000 is normally where my 3100 stays...i don't really notice it idling higher then that (even in the winter)...and, by you saying that it goes to normal when you unplug the TPS leads me to believe thats the problem...i just don't quite understand what the temp has to do with it...icon_confused.gif


fuel ... and i don't think its the tps cause i've changed that already.


all i know is i'm probably just going to scrap this heap and probably get a S10 or something this WBody's got me against 'em...


well, when you go to scrap it...just send it my way...i'll give ya $30 and a bad of doritto's for it wink.gif...could alwayz just do a L67 SWAP!! leaving.gif


I think he means like some imports (and maybe doemstics) when they are cold started they were immediately run up to exactly 3000rpm and hold there, and gradually come down as the temp increases. I know my mom's Acura revs to almost 2000rpm when cold. But the thing is to cancel this all you need to do it touch the gas pedal and the revs to fall to proper idle. So, something might be telling the computer to rev high to warm the motor up quicker??? I dunno. That's my theory lol.


- Jeff L.

Well the two might be related... I know with my Lumina if the engine is cold (not normal operating temp) and I take it on the highway the final gear revs higher then usual.. and then once it warms up everything goes back to normal.
Yea, all vehicles the I have driven do this. Mine will stay in 3rd until it warms up, then it will shift into overdrive. And then, once it warms up a bit more, the torque converter will lock up, bringing the RPM down to normal highway RPM's About 2000 RPM at 100Km/h.

Well my car does the same thing when its really cold out and if the rpms drop down after its warm i wouldnt worry about it. My car runs great in the summer and shitty in the winter. It dont like cold weather like me damn i wish it would be summer already!!!!! cryptnix what part of michigan are you from?

when its really cold i've found it to rev up to 3000 rpm ... i shut the car off then she goes and stays at 700 ~ 1000 rpm (normal right?) and during the summer its fine.


My Lumina (130k) did this last winter. Start it cold, would idle at 3k until I either put it in drive or just drove the damn thing til it warmed up. Try either the IAT or the IAC. I tried the IAT first and it didnt do anything so then I tried the IAC and that was it.


According to my old auto teacher, condensation was building up on the pintle of the IAC because either the gasket was shot between the surface of the intake and the IAC or there was some type of gap there and the condensation was freezing causing the IAC to act improperly which caused the computer to get the wrong signals. Once the condensation melts, the car idles and drives normal. My car only did this below 0 degrees F. My solution for the longest time was to cover the engine with a blanket. lol.. what a dumbass I am... but hey, it worked until I found the problem.


Try the IAC and keep us posted.


My car does the same damned thing in the winter. I have replaced gaskets like I have posted before, iac, tps and it still does it hurkey, jerkey every morning and after work. I hate it!


i'll have to research it alittle more ...


i just don't feel like tearing down my engine to find that the gaskets are fine and then it being a faulty damn sensor causing this bull shit.


so, first thing first is to check the grounds which is what i'm going todo here probably this sunday .... going to get the plugs and wires changed ... feeling some hesitation at the 2500 rpm area ... stupid bosch bs works for those german cars but not our american ones haha

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