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anyone else get horrible reception

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from their factory radios.. this is just horrible.. local stations fade in and out... kinda sucks since the cd player doesnt play burnt cd's. and needs cleaned so i can play normal cd's.


Make sure your antenna has a good connection to the back of the radio and also make sure that there is nothing wrong with the rest of the anteanna wire. It seems odd that the radio wouldn't get good recption from a city station since my stock deck gets stations from all over the province on FM, and from other provinces even, on AM.

So I'd be checking my anteanna connection.

If you live somewhere very hilly or rocky I could see the fadinf in and out...also around elelectrical lines and high rise builds sometimes my signal fades..bit it comes back right after.

I would have thought your HU would play CD-R for sure?? maybe since it is dirty and doesn't play normal cds either that is the problem. Clean her up nice and good and try some cd-r in it.


- Jeff L.


antenna wire was all hacked up by someone trying to fix it... now all i have is a mess of copper back there where the plug goes into the antenna... how hard are the antenna wires to get out of a junked car?


I have no idea...someone else on here has probably done it though. I'm guessing it runs down the right side of the car under the door trim and stuff...but I'm not sure. If you are just tuning into city stations all you might need to do is put an end on a piece of wire so you can attach it to the stereo and maybe run a few feet of this wire under the dash. That would probably be all you need for good reception in the city.


- Jeff L.


what kind of car is it? i have an 88 parts car i could pull the antenna wiring out of if you are willing to pay for it :? pm me if your interested.


jut tell me how much you want for it.. and the power antenna stopped working on it today.. wtf!


my radio reception used to be awesome, but then it just started sucking one day.


The reception in my CS, Lumina, and all 3 GP's have sucked. Radio stations that could easily be picked up by other radios/cars are just static in mine.

jut tell me how much you want for it.. and the power antenna stopped working on it today.. wtf!
i have no idea what a fare price would be for it. i don't have a working power antenna either so i can't help you there but if you want the cable that comes from the antenna let me know.

I would say that the cable is bad. But, also, if you are wanting better reception, I seem to find that the "Whip" style antenna will provide better reception over the Power type. I am able to pick up AM & FM stations from Ontario, and even from the US. Hell, I've been able to get AM stations from Denver.

  • 2 weeks later...

the anttena wire actually wiggls itself from its little plug in, and i have a mess of copper alos, i tried to stick it in, and use electrical tape to hold it in, but thats not workin too well, does anyone have a write up or insturctions on how to rewire all of that?


My Regal gets great reception. And I took the antenna out!!! It was broke so it wouldent go down and I hated the look of it. I never listen to radio anyway.

You mean the end has pulled itself off??


- Jeff L.


yes! and the rest of it wont even come out, its like, in peices inside, so it alll screwd up


for what its worth its prety easy to change out the piece of antenna wire behind the radio.


from what i remember you gotta pull the glovebox, radio, cut a mess of hold downs, and trace it from the radio to the pass side wiring then it plugs into a piece of antenna that goes from there to the back of the car.


I'd say to proerly fix it you'd need to put a new end on. Where do you buy a new end? I don't know...and how would you put a new end on? I think it is crimped on..but again I don't know for sure.

From what White93Z34 has said it sounds like you can unplug the antenna wire somewhere under the dash and just put in a new piece of antenna wire from where it unplugs under the dash. You may be better off just doing that..get a j/y piece of antenna wire that goes from the radio to under the dash and connect it. This may save you time..and if you have a short temper..putting a new end on an antenna lead that seems to be already to hsort may prove difficult


- Jeff L.


ok, so theres another plug from under the dash from the radio, so its plugged from the antnna, to that plug under the dash, over to the radio, correct?


Aftermarket tuners arent as good as the factory ones, it also depends on what kind of headunit you are running. With electronics you get what you pay for, when it comes to head units I'm a kenwood kinda guy, havent been let down yet.

  • 3 weeks later...
My Regal gets great reception. And I took the antenna out!!! It was broke so it wouldent go down and I hated the look of it. I never listen to radio anyway.


How do u get any reception? I shaved my antenna and (obviously) I get no reception cuz I don't have an antenna anymore... :?


i just went to the junkyard and ripped out the cord under the dash off a 92, omg, what a pain, frickin A, not the right cords, so i had to splice them in, tear half my lower interior out, and uhhg, its awful, but worth it


eh screw all that i went and took whip antenna and whole cable.. took me 20 mins to get out.. took me 2 hours to install in my car... easy cost me $5 and is well worth it!

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