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I think I know what the problem is, just wanted to run it past a few of you fellas. Driving you notice NOTHING out of the ordinary, until you come to a stop. After stopping if you sit long enough (5-10 seconds) you can feel a slight clunk, and the car slightly rocks. Acceleration is fine after that... IF you don't wait when you go to accelerate it feels like you're pushing a 71 Buick LeSabre. It drags like a bitch, THEN it releases, lighting up the tires like there is no tomorrow. Now, I know what I HOPE it is, the TCC is partially engaged, causing a psudo-drag. What I'm AFRAID it is, is one of my bands (or worse) is sticking and applying. Possibly my 1st/Rev band? I think I have a tranny book that shows what is applied when. (or does the manual cover transmissions?) I'm gonna try some trans-x and see if that clears it up. Maybe swap out the fluid and filter. Might be forced to do that perf. tranny build sooner than I thought. (MAN, I hate rebuilding autos, a 5 speed is like a puzzle, auto's have alot of stuff that easy to forget :lol: ) But at least I have an extra auto TGP tranny here. How about some of those clutches Jeff? :wink:

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IT does sound like the TCC selinoid is sticking. Does it want to stall when you come to a stop?

Well I don't see how reverse band can engage while in D or OD. But The only other thing I see is 3rd clutch pack sticking or 2nd clutch pack sticking (valvebody)..but thats a high unlikely cause.

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You could try pulling the connector too see if it goes away


It happened to me in a grand am and a buick grand am ?(sommerset skylark?) i forget


but after pulling the plug it ran fine, It might be different on a W because it checks the tranny to see what gear its in

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