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I'm considering a hood bra for my Lumina. I don't want to do a full bra but a hood bra is possible. I found one at JCWhitney for what I think a decent price. Now.. is it worth spending the money? Does anyone have pictures of their Lumina with one of these? I don't have a lot of money and want to spend it wisely, so I'll see what you guys think.


Here's what I'm considering...



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I'd like a hood protector... I don't think they look bad. I think you can get a LeBra brand cover for 5 bucks more, if that makes a difference to you.

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I think they look good, and they protect from stone chip (and therefore rust). Just make sure you take it off once in a while, like when you wash the car.

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I'm gonna buy one on the weekend of my Lumina also..as mentioned they protect...some ppl don't like them, and they are entitled to their own opinion. I personally like how they look on Luminas (there are a few on cardomain).

As C-Bad said, make sure to remove it when washing the car because dirt will get under and eventually start scratching your paint which would defeat the entire purpose of the hood bra.

I personally am getting one since some asshat with a Mustang did a burnout throwing all types of rocks are my car, and the hood bra is going to cover all of them. So I'll just put some touchup paint then put the bra on.

You should also get one that is breatheable as they seem to help the paint from changing colors because the res tof the hood will fade a bit but the part under the hood bra will not.

Good luck in your decision


- Jeff L.

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I had one on my old 93 Cutlass and it worked real nice to protect against stone chips. Just be sure to only use it when you need it (highway driving, etc) Also be sure not to let it get soaked with water and leave it on. There are risks of scuffing the paint but not having one risks alot of stone chips. The hood protector is a must on the Gen. 1 Cutlass Coupes becaue of the hood design the center part of the hood gets to be looking pretty beat up in just a few years. All in all, if you do highway driving they are a must, but dont do what some people do and leave em on 24/7


Just my oppinion,



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What ever you do, DO NOT PUT ONE ON!! I can not express this enough My STE has one and I have to keep it on because under it is all Cracked and Rusted. when I pulled it and sanded it all the way down and Reprimed it all it did was crack more when I sanded... needless to say I have to repaint my whole hood now. and I have a nice line were the end of the hood bra is and where the hood is exposed its all discolored and looks like Shit when its not on the car now.

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There's a film that 3M makes that is basically just a thick layer of vinyl instead of leather. It's transparent, and chip resistant. Basically the same idea as a vinyl, like the ricers use but uncolored. if i can find the link, I'll post it later.

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That's what I'm afraid of. I can't afford paint for at least another two years. I don't want to put a bra on and then wreck the semi decent paint that's already there.

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I've had them on several on my W's. Maintenance is the number one thing with hood bra's. EVERY time you wash your car, take it off and clean throughly, then put a coat of wax where the bra is. I never had any problems doing it that way.




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Bra's are for girls...they like coming off, and getting dirty. :mrgreen:

But anyway...whats the point? Unless you're wearing a black leather jacket to match the "bra"... but it still dosent look good.

IMHO of course.

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looks horrible, id rather have the front end of my car all dinged up than have that monstrosity of ugly on there, lets see, small dings no ones sees, or a big ugle black thing on the front of ur car

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i was considering getting one for my lumina b/c of the Owl indention on the front lip of my hood and the hundred dimples where i put scratch fix due to chipping from mis dabree. If my paintjob was fresh then i wouldnt do it.

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