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3 orange wires from the fuel pump relay?? HELP!

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Guest TurboSedan

ok i ran into a problem while fixing my TGP wiring harness today. my TGP wiring harness came with no fuel pump relay/driver's side auxillary power block (it was hacked off when i got it), so i had to splice the 6 smaller wires (the two bigger orange wires were still intact thankfully). so i chopped off the fuel pump relay from my old NA 3.1/5-speed harness and thought i'd just quickly splice all of the wires together since the colors matched.....well 3 of them matched and three of them 'sorta' didn't...they were all just plain orange and the same size :?


i got the 3 wires spliced that matched color, but which orange wire goes to which orange wire on the TGP harness? :think: two of the wires go to the same place inside the fuel pump relay block, but one of them goes to a different place (the relay itself i believe). how am i going to figure out which orange wire from the fuel pump relay block splices to the correct orange wire on the TGP harness?? ugh!!!!


please help!! any ideas, suggestions appreciated TIA!!


btw i did get ALOT of other wiring work done to the hacked TGP harness: the 3 other previously mentioned wires from the fuel pump relay block, i extended & spliced the VSS wiring, i spliced the CPS wiring, and i got all 3 starter ring terminals spliced. the only thing i have left is the KS pigtail, the PS high pressure sensor pigtail, and the 4 ground ring terminals that go to the rear of the block. i also need to figure out how to make the reverse lights work and modify the automatic transmisson gear selector connector so the ECM thinks the car is always in gear.


whew....i'm getting pretty good at splicing wires with paste flux, solder, a Bernzomatic pen torch and heat shrink tubing!


thanks again


May not be the easiest but if you have a multi-meter you could check for continuity.

Guest TurboSedan
May not be the easiest but if you have a multi-meter you could check for continuity.


i do have a digital multi-meter but it's just a matter of finding the wires over on the passenger side fuse/relay block. ugh. i need to go study my Mitchell wiring diagrams i copied at the library....




You could hook a test light to one end and put power to them till you find the right one.

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