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Please read ... State Boys pull over ... cause of 35% tint


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If I had enough people who wanted there window tint law changed in MN I could send a letter to Norm coleman and he could Try to push it though...but I need like 5000 or 10,000 signatures.


Hell.. I'll be your second signature. Minnesota is one of the very few in the US and Canada still regulated at such a low level.. we are one of the few states I think they'd really have to worry about in regards to crime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i got an extension ... i got a buddy i'm trying to find to write me off ... i hope he will ... all else fails i'll just go waste $50 again to get it put back on ...


then shortly there after get my damn eye docter to write me a prescription (sp?) :-P


i'd actually like to start a petition ... :-) I think I will haha...

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I'm sorry but I wouldn't sign your petition, you don't have a medical problem (unless you really do, then I appologize) although I still think that's what sunglasses would be for...

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You'll get no support for window tint from me. I'm not a fan of law enforcement, but I wouldn't like window tint if I were an officer. Not being able to see in the car would make me very leery. Even in East Bumfuck where no real crimes ever happen, there's always that chance of pulling over some wacko from a place of ill repute who's just passing through town.

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Why can't they just yell over their PA system, "Driver, roll down your window". Then they wouldn't have to worry about tint.

If factory tint is allowed on the rear windows, I don't see why tint shouldn't be allowed on front windows. There could just as likely be a gun weilding crazy person in the rear seat.

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Why can't they just yell over their PA system, "Driver, roll down your window". Then they wouldn't have to worry about tint.

If factory tint is allowed on the rear windows, I don't see why tint shouldn't be allowed on front windows. There could just as likely be a gun weilding crazy person in the rear seat.


:withstupid: ...very well put...

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As far as I know, trucks, minivans, and SUV's with factory tint are still 50-state legal. They are tinted 20%-25% on all but windshield and front side windows.

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My car came from michigan, it had this tint, im pretty sure its about 35%

the old lady died over there and her son drove it all the way from there to here in washington and i bought it from them, 35 shouldnt be that dark





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