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Please read ... State Boys pull over ... cause of 35% tint


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I need EVERYONE here to please post your pictures of your cars with above 35% who obviously live in Michigan. I am going to fight to keep my tint on my windows because I see so many damn people out their with blacker windows then mine and its really starting to piss me off that everyone is getting away with it and I get boned in the ass about it. But I'd greatly appreciate it.




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I think tint laws are BS, but the law doesn't work that way. Just because you can prove other people get away with it doesn't mean they'll say, "ok, if everyone else gets away with it, you should too!"

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True, I mean I had 50% and never had a problem with my cutty. Your sig pic makes your tints look really dark. Regardless who gets away and who doesn't, the law in MI says no tint on the fronts (below the top 5 inches). What were you planning on showing them other cars that should be ticketed as well? Bottom line with tint is this: if your planning on titning the fronts, your doing it with the chance that eventually you might get pulled over for it. Its not uncommon. Shit happens.



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yeah, i'm just going to play there game then ... i really don't appreciate it ... this cop even put me in danger coming onto my ass and stuff ...


the road conditions weren't that great... plus it says that the date I recieved it was on my birthday therefor it marks it as void since its 21 years old. lol

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By the looks of your car you are asking for trouble. With windows tinted that dark all around the car, you're always at risk of getting a ticket. By bro has 5% in back, but the sides are much lighter. He's been pulled over for other things and the cops never said anything about the tint. I think you can get away with dark tint in back, but not all around the car.

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http://www.iwfa.com That has all the window tint laws for the US.


The way i was seeing it in my IWFA book is that any tint on any window except windshield is LEGAL in michigan. Not sure what the deal was.....hope the site helps.


Tint on front windows (front door side windows and windshield) is illegal no matter what the tint is in MI. (except for 4") I don't feel sorry for you at all. I agree its a stupid law, but its the law so follow it. If you're not gonna follow it, then don't complain when you get the ticket.



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Typically these tint laws are put into place because of obvious visibilty issues with you being able to see out of the car at night. Also they are a safety issue for law enforcement in that with tint too dark, an officer could be walking up to the driver's door as the driver pulls out a gun without the officer seeing untill too late.

When i had my Lumina i had to argue with the inspection station to pass my tint. I was right at the limit for Ma and they were hesitent to pass me.

Usually inspection stations and police could have a dohicky that they put on both sides of the glass to measure how much light can pass.

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I think it means you can get a medical exemption allowing you to have tint on windows that most people can't.


Missouri tint law used to state you could have anything on the back and back side windows, and nothing on the front side windows UNLESS you have a Medical exemption from an eye doctor. Then you could have 35% on the sides. Amazingly, Missouri did away with the medical exemption and now everyone is allowed 35% on the front sides. It's unusual to see laws become more relaxed, I'm so used to seeing them getting more strict and more restrictive.

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Thats what I was figuring about the medical thing. I think I will look into that if I decide to tint my next car. I actually have a legitamate excuse too (but I guess it all depends on my eye doctor). I had eye surgery when I was like 4.



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I think it means you can get a medical exemption allowing you to have tint on windows that most people can't.


Missouri tint law used to state you could have anything on the back and back side windows, and nothing on the front side windows UNLESS you have a Medical exemption from an eye doctor. Then you could have 35% on the sides. Amazingly, Missouri did away with the medical exemption and now everyone is allowed 35% on the front sides. It's unusual to see laws become more relaxed, I'm so used to seeing them getting more strict and more restrictive.


I actually wondered if there could ever be such thing as having tint for medical purposes (eyes), but then I came to the conclusion that's what SUNGLASSES are for.. :? I see old people wear those huge kind that cover half their face, that would cover the sides too...

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Bottom line with tint is this: if your planning on titning the fronts, your doing it with the chance that eventually you might get pulled over for it. Its not uncommon. Shit happens.




Exactly. I've always run with tint on my car. Any recognizable amount in MN is illegal, so I obviously do so illegally.. I know that its illegal and realize that I just might get a fine for it one day. Its all kosher with me. I don't agree with it, but its what the man says.


I heard one officer say something once and its very fitting - A wolf cannot get every fox in a pack.

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my ticket READS for the date of me being pulled over 1/12/84.


and I can scan it to prove to you thats what it says.


it says it in 3 different spots... there is no valid date of which this "note" is written for ...


i am going to call afew lawyers tomorrow ... the conditions sucked anyway ...


i'll pay a fine before i remove them unless it exceeds the x ammount of getting them retinted. I'll just scoot down to 20% again .... (i have 35% on 'em right now)


picture below is of when i had my 7% ... its only the state boys that give me shit. locals are fine...

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I actually wondered if there could ever be such thing as having tint for medical purposes (eyes), but then I came to the conclusion that's what SUNGLASSES are for.. :? I see old people wear those huge kind that cover half their face, that would cover the sides too...


Now what if they don't have ears?

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my ticket READS for the date of me being pulled over 1/12/84.


and I can scan it to prove to you thats what it says.


it says it in 3 different spots... there is no valid date of which this "note" is written for ...


i am going to call afew lawyers tomorrow ... the conditions sucked anyway ...


i'll pay a fine before i remove them unless it exceeds the x ammount of getting them retinted. I'll just scoot down to 20% again .... (i have 35% on 'em right now)


picture below is of when i had my 7% ... its only the state boys that give me shit. locals are fine...


The date deal will probably get you off.


And 20% is darker than 35%. Next step up is basically 50%, which is almost worthless.

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My Ex G/F had the medical excuse in MN and her mom used it to tint her windows insted.. They where 5% in the back and 20 % on the sides....looked good and she said all she did was Freak when they put the light and drops in her eyes....


on the other note On Semi Trucks you can go as dark as you want and can even tint 6" up from the bottom and 6" down from the top on the windsheild also you can use Mirror tint...and the reason is they sit so High in the air.


I talked to the local law about why the tint is not allowed and they said its so we can see inside the car at night and in the day time.


If I had enough people who wanted there window tint law changed in MN I could send a letter to Norm coleman and he could Try to push it though...but I need like 5000 or 10,000 signatures.

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I actually wondered if there could ever be such thing as having tint for medical purposes (eyes), but then I came to the conclusion that's what SUNGLASSES are for.. :? I see old people wear those huge kind that cover half their face, that would cover the sides too...


Now what if they don't have ears?


Umm can I ask why they wouldn't?!


Crypt- Your best bet would be an attorney, but let me get this straight, the conditions were shit?, and he creeped up on you? I have always heard the state troopers are royal dick heads but who knows.

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I actually wondered if there could ever be such thing as having tint for medical purposes (eyes), but then I came to the conclusion that's what SUNGLASSES are for.. :? I see old people wear those huge kind that cover half their face, that would cover the sides too...


Now what if they don't have ears?


Umm can I ask why they wouldn't?!


Oculoauicular Dysplasia?



I was just being silly, but I'm sure there are people out there that have no ears. Surely even the strictest states will let them have tint... or not?

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It depends on the judge and/or prosecutor.

I had a ticket where the cop fucked up everything and it still didn't matter.


They'll probably just say, "obviously the office made a mistake, that doesn't change anything."

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