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HELP ! ICM and Coil Problem * UPDATE * Timing belt

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what i need to know is if in really need a special tool ? how did you timed your cams ?


Jamz, there's a set of special tools that you need to do the cams. Cam hold down tool, Cam gearpuller tool are the two main ones I can think of right now. Your 92 LQ-1 has lock rings on the cams and you need to pop the front two so they spin freely and it can be timed right.


Great description and walkthrough on the 60 Degree V6 website that can help you out immensely.


Good luck!


i got the cam gear puller , but this cam hold down tool is freakin me out . WTH is that ? i checked on V660 , but where i can find that ? i can do some homemade ones like the guy did , but what are they doing ?



Secondo . MY mech told me the strap is allright it supposed to be the intermediate shaft belt sprocket who failed . I dont fuckin know where it is , or what it is supposed to do . the part cost 51.12 from GM . i need a shema or something man that sucks ... help me i am about to cry like a baby :P


10110599 CHAIN . CM / SHF INTER DRV .




thats was i suppose to be the problem ... i llsee that tomorow




Drink to forget , theres nothing else better


Well i did it all




Timing Belt , Serpentine Belt and finally Intake gasket .



The car started with difficuly and stalled , cause there is so much gas and oil in the comb chambers ( failed previous attempt to start ) and my battery is near dead .



I will go back tomorrow , and i am just happy to see that the engine started , the timing seems to be cool .



I ll get some pics of the old belt , then you will puke . :P



Wish me a luck for tomorrow


may want to replace your spark plugs, LQ1s are funny about fuel fowled spark plugs, so your best bet is to replace them.


i definately want to see this old timing belt, i have been wondering what a cooked one looks like.


The car started . Took a hell of time but it did . BUT the serpentine acc. belt tensionner is gone so the car is unusable


thats sucks



anyway i will have it done by my mech monday , for now the car was running well , no noise no shaking . I am happy . but i miss it .


pic of the belt soon , that bitch will burn godammit

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