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replacing lifters

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hey guys .... i just wanted 2 ask how hard it is 2 change lifters ....any info is appreciated


You have to remove the upper and lower intake, plus the rocker arms and pushrods. Are you replacing one or all the lifters?


im replacing all .... dont wanna do it again lol is removin any of this hard 2 do ??


not really. Its pretty straight foward. A Haynes manaul should be all you would need to do it properly.


On a related note, Im not a big fan of replacing all the lifters, but leaving the same cam in. A cam and lifter set wear to one another. So, I guess I should ask why are you replacing the lifters?


from what mech said its lifters .... so i just wanna replace what i can 2 get it runnin rite


i wouldn't trust just any mechanic man i'd get a second opinion on it worst case is you get to replace the cam with a better one :twisted:

from what mech said its lifters .... so i just wanna replace what i can 2 get it runnin rite


okay......but whats wrong with the engine? Like whats it doing? Symptoms, problems, etc. Mechanics have been wrong.

from what mech said its lifters .... so i just wanna replace what i can 2 get it runnin rite


okay......but whats wrong with the engine? Like whats it doing? Symptoms, problems, etc. Mechanics have been wrong.

:withstupid: i was told once my car needed a new transmission. they were like when can we have the car to rebuild your transmission i was like um not right now. anyways i decided to try to swap out the transmission fluid and the filter well guess what happened the old fluid had a strong burnt smell to it. (racing does that to a car :oops: ) anyways i got the old filter out the new one in and toped put in 2 quarts of tranny fluid and a bottle of lucas then finished filling the tranny and now the transmission is working great nothing to worry about with it :) so see from my story mechanics are not always right. i only need to swap the fluid every 2 years also so next summer i'll swap the fluid and filter again if my tranny doesn't go out on me :lol:

sounds like they buildin a house inside the motor lol not really bad but just tired of the noise mainly ..besides that i need a few other cosmetics 4 the car


you mean a loud tapping sound? it could be your lifters but it could also mean your timing is off and the motor is back firing. i'm not sure someone else might be better suited to answer your question. the other thing you could do is see if your local junk yard got any 3.1s in recently and just swap that motor in :twisted:


pretty much yea ....... wish i could fit a 4.3 v6 in it lol .... but thanks 4 ur help man


coulda popped a rocker arm off too, been there done that. I dont wanna post the whole procedure on how to take the lower/upper intakes off cuz Im tired, but just get a Haynes manaul for like $7 at Advance autoparts and it'll give you enough info to do it. Or look at http://www.60degreev6.com and search around the site, Im pretty sure there's a write up there.

pretty much yea ....... wish i could fit a 4.3 v6 in it lol .... but thanks 4 ur help man


Why would you want a 4.3 in you car?

pretty much yea ....... wish i could fit a 4.3 v6 in it lol .... but thanks 4 ur help man


Why would you want a 4.3 in you car?


:shrug: I'm wondering the same thing.


But definately, while you have the engine torn down, if you're gonna put lifters in it, you might as well put a cam in at the same time. They aren't much money and it will really wake it up.



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