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Knock sensor, crankshaft position sensor, intake air temp sensor, and the ones he listed. These play a critical role in allowing the computer to correctyl adjust and control your ignition timing and air/fuel ratio.


Aaron, the knock sensor is for timing, not fuel. The Crank sensor is just used to tell the ECM when to open the injectors, not how long.


The Main sensors the ECM uses to control Fuel from the most important are: O2, ECT, MAP/MAF, TPS, IAT


Yah I read it as which sensors tell the ECM how to control the engine...Oh well, no biggy, they are still very critical.


What is the ECT?


Shoulda known that one...


As for the brands, it doesn't really matter. Noen will add or take away power, juts some might last a little longer than others. But let's assume your car is already over 100,000 miles, it is safe to say that a new sensor is going to last about another 100k.

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