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93 Lumina 3.1L problem

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I'm posting this for my dad... His 93 Lumina has a problem. It kinda bucks when accelerating, from 3kRPM up. Then when it's hot it won't go above 50MPH and vibrates bad. When at a stop the idle will go from 800 to almost stalling. No SES light, anyone have an ideas, I'm thinking the cat converter as it sometimes smells like rotten eggs.


Thanks, Matt


cat converter sounds like a good place to start. When its shut off and cold, go out and band on it. If it rattles, its bad. Also, after running for a while and warm, if its bad, sometimes it'll glow. Your symptoms do sound like those of a bad cat though


Well my car is having the same problems as your dads but not the cat when my first started i empyed the cat out still there and its running extermly rich im talk used a 1/4 of a tnank in 10 miles :shock: and i still dont know what it is ive replaced all 3 coil packs icm air temp sensor switched back to my stock air box no codes so yea im stuck and about to give up on it and sell it and get a z34 :evil:


check the vacuum wiring, particularly going to the MAP sensor (runs under the upper intake)


I would go for the Cat . My 3.1 Sunbird did that this summer . The same problems : shaking , and hi rev problem . Try to get under the car and shake your cat and hear for a clang clang sound . Mine was doing this , so I removed it and found the cat clogged with its own shit .


Put a glasspack in place . 30 $ and no more probs :)


inline2.2 where having the same problems i put money on it with in 1 month it will be running overly rich like mine and ive replaced all coil packs icm spark plugs wires cleaned the tb and intake the only thing i can think of is my fuel rail regulator b.c of the overy rich and mine just started out as an coil being bad to this thing running like shit now it wont rev over 4 grand not evan to the limitor in neutral or gear its really starting tp piss me off b/c i love the car and my motor was rebuilt 34k ago so hopefully yours dont turn out like mine and good luck with fixing the ol girl and if any 1 esle has had the same problem as mine and fixed it plz tell me what you did thanks :bawl:


Thanks for all the help guys. Dad said it's going to the shop tomorrow. I'll let you guys know what is wrong when I find out, probably on Friday.


Have a great day,



i took mine to a shop too you better call around and find a shop with a guy that has worked on many w bobys b/c i took my car in they couldnt find anything bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, the Lumina is back from the shop. The spark plugs and wires were terribly bad. I never considered that because the previous owner stated they were new when my dad got the car in 03, and 8,000 miles has only been put on it. The mechanic said two of the six cylinders were not firing. It running great now, only if I would have thought of the bad plugs I would have saved my dad around $80 or $90.


Once again, thanks for all the help.



Well my car is having the same problems as your dads but not the cat when my first started i empyed the cat out still there and its running extermly rich im talk used a 1/4 of a tnank in 10 miles :shock: and i still dont know what it is ive replaced all 3 coil packs icm air temp sensor switched back to my stock air box no codes so yea im stuck and about to give up on it and sell it and get a z34 :evil:


Sounds like the same thing I went thru a few months ago with my '94 GP. I replaced everything possible.. didn't fix it.. nobody could figure it out. Due to it running insanely rich for so long, I'm sure I managed to ruin the rings/cylinder wall(s), as it started burning oil like a mofo. She made one final trip to a used car lot and I traded it off at 104,000 miles.

8000 and the plugs/wires are bad??!??! Thats crazy


That's what I was thinking, but now I'm beginning to wonder if the plugs and wires were even replaced. I think the previous owner was lying. The cost to replace plugs and wires was $108.

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