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car like surges?


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well here is the situation i was at a light and i was jammin with my stereo and it is night time and like my car like almost stalled.. is my battey just losin juice or is it much more serious let me know you thoughts

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do you have a very high output system?? If you do, do you have a higher output alternator or battery with a lot of cranking amps?? It maybe your alternator and or battery. Even if you don't have a system, those still might be the problems. So, I suggest you take it like Advance Autoparts or something, and get them to test you battery, with it in the car and the car running, if the machine reads below 14 or 13 volts, your alternator is going bad. If that is the case, take your alternator off (its only 3 bolts, but it is a pain in the ass to take off or put back on) and have then put it on an alternator tester. If it reads low there then it is bad. Sometimes, doing the check in with the alternator in the car is not accurate. If your alternator is fine, check your battery.


Another thought, did you just have your battery or alternator changed or did you recently have the battery disconnected?? If so then that is normal. If you disconnect the battery, the computer has to relearn how to keep the engine at an idle and then how to keep it from dying when you stop. So, this may be the case and the best thing to do is to have it running, and go throuhg all the gears until it smooths out, then drive it some more, and do the same thing.


If those two are not the case, I don't know. hope that helps

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well i changed both when i bout the car i kno my battery has alot of amps or what ever they are called and the altentor is new like less they a year but i don't think a lil 600 watt amp is gonna make it blow like that but i checked the battery with a smaller battery gauge or whatever and it is at 13 amps and when the bass hits it is at 12 so iunno i am confused

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I know that your battery should not read 12 volts with the car running, that means its not gettin charged by the alternator. Is you alternator a stock replacement or a higher output one?? If it is stock yo might want to consider getting a higher out put one that will keep the battery charged even when you bass hits. Something is wrong, be it battery or alternator, but to me it sounds like the alternator, with the car running, it should read 14Volts.

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iunno it just started today i mean if it was that it should of started like back in the summer not in the winter could this just be that it was cold or anything like that oh i had the heat on too so i figure i drew to much battery power with the lights on brakes applied and heat on plus my amp could that be possible

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if this is the only time it has done it and ends up being the only time that it happens, I would say then you are fine, that it was just cold, mine has died before, when it has been cold, I didn't even think of that. If it keeps happenin though, I would get it checked out.

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