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Shawn, the more BaddFlash and I talked on Yahoo, the more we realized our minds think alike, lmao.. I saw some progress pics of his, and wondered how in the HELL he got into my house and stole my ideas!! lol

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that is done very well!


but i am a fan of anologe gauges, i guess thats just me.


I really am to, generally I hate digital guages, but the fact that they're digital analog is what sold me on trying them plus having the 6th guage.


Now that they're in I wouldn't go back to the Z34 cluster for anything and at this point I'm the only one with them.


The Z cluster will probably just go in my other Lumina to replace it's badly stripped guage cluster, unless someone is willing to give me $50 for it.

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Very cool, did you take a different approach than Steve?

Steve modified the cluster to fit the car. The pics look like you modified the car to accept the cluster.


I went a very similar yet completely different route as Steve. We both modified a base Lumina dash to accept the components of the UB3, but did it in 2 totally different ways.


The final results should look very much the same off but very different when in operation, as I understand it. Mine looks as close to the stock cutty dash as possible, where Steve I think is using different idi lights and placement of components.

Externally it is a Stock Lumina housing only the components inside are different.


Other than wiring I modified nothing on the car, I'm not sure what you're reffering to?

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Thats cause in that pic I hadn't tapped the wires into the DIC, that is now done.



Is it a big crack across the windishield ?


Yes that is a big MF crack, thanks to a rock going 100mph. It's getting replaced before the car gets painted but no sooner cause I want a perfect windshield when the paint is done and don't feel like wasting money.

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well start producing them bitched plug and play and they will sell!!!!! Again that looks fantastic, better then i would have thought. now i want one :cry: i'm too much of a pussy to rip my car apart and try that type of shit

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The Cutty cluster would not fit well.....that's all I'm gonna say




This is my spare UB3 which will get swapped in if I can't get the mileage reset on the other one. This one only has 165,000kms vs. 285,000kms , I'd rather be under than over.


My UB3 vs. Stock



The buttons are temp. under the HU cause I can't find a good solution and won't knowingly copy someone. Although if I use a different OHC would it still be copying. :?

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I think I'm gonna try getting the cluster out of a 1990 Couger and mod that into my dash. That would be too sick. And use window tint to make the numbers and stuff blue instead of green. That would be tight.

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OK heres the wiring. First pin is the Cutty UB3 second is the Lumina UB3


C1- D4







C13- MUST BE ADDED - ALDL connection















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best info yet, im back to the jy on saturday morning to get the container for a lumina cluster so i can swap the parts from the ub3 into that without destroying my current cluster. i hope to get mine in asap

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