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cleaning out the engine bay


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get a can of gunk brand engine cleaner and head to the local DIY car wash and blast it out.
:werd: But before you spray anything on that engine, get some trash bags and masking tape to cover up your throttle body (remove the airbox completely so you don't soak the air filter) and coil packs.
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I've never had a problem with getting anything wet that shouldn't. I know i've gotten the alt soaked a few times too... I've never used the plastic bag idea, though, I think from now on I will....




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holy $!#@! thats one dirty motor. If your carful take the car to the carwash pop the hood with the motor running and blast off what you can then SOAK that thing with simple green then hit it with a gardon hose and elbo grease.

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Guest TurboSedan

like Disco said, cover the coilpacks and remove the airbox and cover the TB. go to the car wash (preferably one with a GOOD degreaser and warm/hot high pressure rinse NOT cold) and spray absolutely EVERYTHING down with degreaser but try to avoid the covered coilpacks & TB, spark plug boots and the alternator. let the degreaser sit there while you wash the rest of the car. then use high pressure rinse and blast the degreaser off of the motor and engine bay. when using high pressure rinse, hold the wand away from the motor about 3-4ft so as not to damage anything.


and yes, Simple Green kicks ass! if the car wash you go to doesn't have a very good degreaser (not many do) just bring a bottle of concentrated Simple Green and spray down everything...like use the whole bottle!


good luck

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getting that clean is easy but time consuming. on my car, it looked the same. i used a wet rag and this stuff called bleach white (whitewall cleaner) and simple green. i was always afraid of actually taking a hose to the engine (did it on moms 93 lumina... bad experience) but that plastic bag idea is the shit, go with that if u decide to use a hose. on the intake manifold and valvecover... use mothers aluminum polish witha toothbrush, i did this with my car.. go here to see it http://www.cardomain.com/id/yeah3100 good luck!

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you dont have to be so carfull man. detailers dont do any of that stuff

just use common sense dont spray directly onto a coil or alt. when you do 70mph thru a big rain on the highway water goes everywhere and theres no coil or TB or Alt problems is there? DIS isnt like a cap and rotor there pretty bulletproof that way. anyway any off the shelf degreaser is fine. but again as stated you'l do best to have the engine hot and blast it with water, let it dry itself with the heat and than cool down and than apply the degreaser, blast after 15 minutes or just before it starts dryin up. somtimes if its bad u do it twice. than for the finishing touch wipedown all your black plastics and hoses with a shine product (armor all,tire shine etc etc) even when my car aint got plates its the cleanest on the block

(detailed for a year or two)

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also, may i offer, that if you really dont need it...dont use armor all on everythign in there. One, its not so good for the material, and two, all it does is attract a lot of dirt. just my $.02

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