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Battery Install...

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:evil: :evil: :willynilly: :willynilly: :bash:

So I had to but a new battery today and what a pain in the ass! I went to AutoZone to have them test it while it was still in the car. When the guy walked out of the store he was probably praying that the Cutlass Supreme wasn't mine. When I walked over to it he said "Oh this will be fun!" We barely got the clamps on and found out that it was only putting out about 4.5 volts. In order to test the alternator I had to remove the stabilizers that go across the corner and take off the washer reservoir so he could clamp onto the negative battery cable.


Once I bought the new battery (a sealed AC Delco), got the old battery out with some dirty talk and a little coersion :wink: Then I forgot to replace the bracket that holds it in place so I had to modify it with a bench grinder. All in all, it took me just under an hour. When I replaced my mom's battery in her Tahoe I was done in 5 minutes.


Just a little rant.


FWIW: I can change a battery on these cars in under 15 minutes. But don't worry there are cars out there that are 10 times worse than yours. Also why did you need to get to the battery to test the alt?

FWIW: I can change a battery on these cars in under 15 minutes. But don't worry there are cars out there that are 10 times worse than yours. Also why did you need to get to the battery to test the alt?
You have to clamp both clamps directly to the terminals, not to the auxillary post, and you have to then attach another clamp to the negative battery cable right below the negative terminal.

Thats how the tester works at Autozone. It doesn't test Alternator Output, it tests charging rate on the battery. Its not quite as accurate as a DVOM to the alt, but its alot easier to do quickly.


the autozone tester load tests the battery with the car off, with the car on, it does the same load test, if the volts dip below 10.8, the machine comes back telling u the alternators cooked.

FWIW: I can change a battery on these cars in under 15 minutes. But don't worry there are cars out there that are 10 times worse than yours. Also why did you need to get to the battery to test the alt?

Yeah W's are cake after you've done a few. You wanna pain in the ASS! Do a battery on a 98 up Dodge intrepid or Concorde, It's in the passenger side fender well!!! Have to take off the wheel and everything! :puke:


How the fuck do you call a w-body battery change a pain in the ass? Have you worked on any vans or longitudinal FWD mounted engines lately?

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