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Battery Relocation Complete

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I built this tray for the passenger side of the trunk. It bolts to a nut welded to the wheel well, and to 2 bolts coming from the back.




Here it is with the Optima red top and wires. The positive wires are double 3 gauge running to a 150 Amp fuse then to the front. The ground is the bolt welded to the fenderwell. The sidepost connections go to the stereo.




Here is the ground bolt under the hood. You can see the battery cable under the turbo





And heres gonna be why I need a battery in the trunk



Did you fuse your positive wire?


I'm just scared of that wire wearing a hole through the insulation and shorting out.


Yes, I fused the positive cable right after the battery - Dont want to do any unintentional welding LOL. Its a tsunami fuses holder from the local stero shop. I got a 150 amp and a 200 amp fuses. The 150 seems to be enough, I started it with the headlights on and it didn't blow. So I'll keep the 200 as a spare (dont want to get stranded with no fuse!)

Where the positive wire runs through the firewall I wrapped it in sheet metal so any sharp edges will dig into the metal and not the wire.


It appears that there are top terminals and side posts on the battery as well? If not, what are the top top posts for? And when you do a battery relocation, does it really matter what battery you replace the stock # one with (as that one is a Optima and I didn't think Optima made a stock replacement fo the Cutty)?




I used the top terminals to go to the original battery wires, and the side terminals to the stereo.

It dosent matter what kind of battery it is, just the cca number must be the same as or higher than stock

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