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What have u stupidly broken on ur car


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What sort of things have u stupidly broken


today, i was working under the dash, and listening to music, and the door was open, and the beeping was SO annoying, so i stuck a ratchet in the button and it rested there aganst the door and the button, my dad walks by, and pushes on the door, and bends the sheet metal on the door in and now the button doesnt push and the interior lights stay on, i used a couple magnets and now its ok, but i need to fix that


i also got a tape stuck in my tape player, and i tried to get it out, and it came out, but a sensor was tripped and thought there was a tape, so no radio, for almost 2 months no music, a couple weeks ago, i went and looked at it again, one of the bars that the tape pushed, wasnt up all the way, used my finger, pulled it, and it clinked into position, and i had radio, oohhh pissed me off so much


thats about it for now

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The bezel for the radio, I yanked on that thing until it snapped when I was doing my head unit install, and only then noticed the 7mm screws holding the now broken tabs of it in. :oops: :oops: So now my changetray doesn't come out properly. :lol:

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The battery "heat shield" cover and that plastic cover on top of the headlights behind them have those crazy screw type things that I still don't know how to take off properly so when I was putting on my battery blanket I put the pliers to those screw things and broke a whole bunch of them off lol..


Other then that I've only broke the gear indicator plastic piece around the gear shift..this happened when that plastic sort of seized up and then that night I got stuck in snow so I was repeatildy hammering the gear shift down to 1st gear then back to reverse and it eventually just torn a hole all the way down so now when I'm in "drive" the indicator might say "reverse", "neutral" lol.. oh well

Also, anything with plastic clips I always try my damn hardest not to break but christ I have the worst luck with plastic clips ad I usually end up breaks a few of them..this is mustly when working on small remotes and stufft hough, not cars!

Oh well - SHIT HAPPENS!!


- Jeff L.

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When I had my Lumina years ago, I was quite hammered and someone was giving me a ride home in my car. An ex-gf pissed me off on the phone.. after I hung up, I got really angry and went at the dash with a full 2 liter of pop :? I ended up smashing a lot of stuff before I was brought under control. It turned out to be an expensive, drunken outburst.. I'd say that was very stupidly broken.


Otherwise, when I break stuff, its because of the small amount of patience I have... if it doesn't come apart quickly, I just pull and yank. I have to invest in new door panels now because of that.

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When I had my Lumina years ago, I was quite hammered and someone was giving me a ride home in my car. An ex-gf pissed me off on the phone.. after I hung up, I got really angry and went at the dash with a full 2 liter of pop :? I ended up smashing a lot of stuff before I was brought under control. It turned out to be an expensive, drunken outburst.. I'd say that was very stupidly broken.


Otherwise, when I break stuff, its because of the small amount of patience I have... if it doesn't come apart quickly, I just pull and yank. I have to invest in new door panels now because of that.


There was a crack in my dash panel near the glove box combo lock because my ex-girlfriend was pissing me off over the cell phone one night, or something to that effect. When I get pissed off I hit things, not people. I've broken a few things, but I manage to keep my temper most of the time.


I'm quite surprised I've not snapped steering column components because I have a habit of beating on the steering wheel with music I enjoy.

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On my old car I cracked the dash from constantly thumping a large flashlight on it (I was a security guard at the time :P )


One thing that comes to mind (which pissed me off) was when I was removing the DIC from my old car (which was going to the junkyard) and I accidentally smashed the screen on the DIC, so now I doubt anyone would want to buy it. :x


Aside from that I've broken little plastic things that you can't really notice, cause it's cheap GM interior anyways.

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lol i've smashed almost every interior piece in my regal. I broke he dash twice, the plastic part that goes about the doors, every little bolt thinger that holds the cloth pieces to the door panels, every clip that holds the panels on... its all good ill fix them sometime

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the previous owner apparently rubbed agisnt something under the front bumper and there was this eye sore if you look closely under the driverside bumper.. i went to orileys got some white automotive paint and cleaned it up!! wow it worked! look 10000times better.. i figure that went so well lets fix some of the spots allover the front end.. taped up all crom/emplems/lights and got to spraying.. looked good so i figure clearcoat i need a clear coat.. went wo walyworld and got some ultra clear/gloss polyurothane and sprayed that over the fresh paint. again looked good then it dryed and i looked in the sun.. !$!@#!@# the damn polyourothane isnt so clear.. You can see in some of the places where it still hasnt come off. Its gave the white a somewhat wood tent lol. ohh well lesson learned. good thing it scratches off. also.. since i used automotive "spray" paint it wont sand below 400grit paper so there is basicly no shinny finish :(.. thats what started im painting my car professionaly thing.. Still waiting for the funds to do so and also considering waiting for the powerplant to screw up big so i wont have to paint or paint the same time i replace internals

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Overtorqued one of the 2 bolts that hold the TB to the plenum on the 3.1 MPFI engine on my Sunbird this summer . Gasket was on the wrong side and plenum broke . Had to find another plenum ...



And because of a bad contact on some cluster bulbs ( who needed a lil tap on the top of the dash to works ) my speedo indicator fell off the speedo ... dammit

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Do you want the whole list?

How about my fave...

When me and my buddy worked at Targé he had a old stick shift 86 F.O.R.D Ranger, what a POS. but anyways. As usual it would sometimes not start and would just click, a push start usually fixed it, but we couldn't get it going by hand. So I hopped in the Olds and used my car to push start his truck. He kept say he couldn't tell if it was working, so we switched cars I was in the truck and he was pushing in the Olds, we had to turn so I turned but he turned too sharply. I heard an glass break. I get out, my headlight was busted and my hood was crinkled near it. A trip to Al's in Franklin and $60 bucks later it was more or less fixed. He still owes me 60 bucks now that I think about it! :dunce:




BTW We never found out what was wrong with the truck, we put a new batt in it and it worked... but as you may know it should have at least push started if it was a batt!

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also.. since i used automotive "spray" paint it wont sand below 400grit paper so there is basicly no shinny finish :(.. thats what started im painting my car professionaly thing..


I painted my 88 with automotive spraypaint (Tremclad automotive to be specific) and sanded down to 1500 (then rubbing compound and polish, wax). It was quite shiney (especially for black) for a couple months, then it faded to crap... White is a great color for fixing yourself. Did bodywork on my sister's white Sunfire and it turned out pretty good.

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2 stupid breaks.

the 2nd most stupid; turn signal/wiper stick. the turn signal is basicly shot, this made it to where i had to slam it towards me to get the high beams. i got "upset" and started hitting it towards me until i hear a plastic snap :shock: now the it sticks out and towards me a little.


number 1 most stupid break; my dash fire :lol: got a nice red led switch for the neons. so like the 2 other times before, i got the trusty hagner(metal!) and prepared to send the switch's wire through the firewall. it gets stuck, so i PULL on it, sparks :shock: then i see a flickering light from under there :shock: :shock: get my dad and turn the hose on it while i was disconnecting a post on the battery. he was spraying under and from the top of the dash. after it was controlled, i dropped the dash and found no further damage aside from the foam/rubber padding and the car alarm brain box and the gromet wires. so after a week of wire cutting, shop vacc'ing the 1"+ water from the driver side,, and running replacement wires i got it all back together and was especially glad HUD survived the ordeal. :D

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Lower door trim panel in my 89 Cutlass. The 88 and 94 were already broken, I guess it's not uncommon to break the spots where those annoying barbed clips attach. I also broke a door handle on the TGP trying to straighten it (it was bent). I also messed up the plastic faceplate of the auto climate control in the 94 by trying to make it aqua colored. Once during radio removal on my Cutlass, it came out too quickly for me to put a towel on the sport pod and the radio mount bracket scratched it. I'm sure if I thought about it long enough, I could come up with a whole list of things.


Most of the time, things get broken when I try to obtain perfection because I have a real problem leaving well enough alone.

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I was (for some reason) standing on the hood of my car to get something off a ledge in my friend's garage. My feet were wet and it was sorta slippery. Well, I turn to look at my friend, lose my balance and come smashing down on my windshield, turning a little chip into a crack that goes across the entire windshield. My next stunt didn't break anything, but when using metal tools around the ICM/Coilpacks to take the bolts out, PLEASE be sure you remove the negative battery cable..

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I haven't really broken anything other then a doorhandle. But here's what my dad's broken over the past couple of years.


91 Acclaim


Fist to the windshield


92 Voyager


Ripped out the center console with his hand because his wallet got stuck.

Toar the rear plastic trim around the rear window.

Punched the front fender with his fist.

Broke a nipple for the coolant overflow line on the radiator because his watch got stuck on it.

Broke the radiator fan when he was trying to replace the temp sensor thingy, he then just ripped it out with his hands and broke it.




Ripped apart part of the weather stripping that runs along the firewall because he couldn't reach the tranny dipstick.

Ripped the weather stripping on the passanger side door with a coathanger, thought he could open the door when the handle broke.

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when using metal tools around the ICM/Coilpacks to take the bolts out, PLEASE be sure you remove the negative battery cable..


Yeah... I found that out quite a few times in PA working with Chris. I kept dropping the ICM on the starter wires. :lol:

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Guest Anonymous

I have my center console open in the 95, where I keep my CD's, and my brother's friend was pissing me off in the back seat, playing with the locks... So i swung around and I elbowed the console lid, and broke it off.


And I know how rare finding an unbroken GP console is... and I broke mine.

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2nd gear synchro :evil:


At the track, my 1st gear burnouts were pointless. I was borrowing a friend's drag radials, and the tires would start spinning, but pull the car right out. So I figured out that if I started in 1st, and immediatly hit 2nd, it wouls sit in the pit a lot easier and longer. So I did this once, trie dto run but red lit so they cancelled the times, and the next time I messed up. Bigtime.

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