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yet another transmission fluid thread

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Wondering how much fluid a 4T60 typlically holds?


I bougth a $20 air/fluid hand pump today and sucked out about 4L from the dipstick tube (thats about 4.2 quarts I think... I really don't know what the hell a quart is). Great little pump BTW, it would work great for stealing gas or whatever, easier than syphoning. :wink:


After I refilled it and added some Wynns tranny stuff (the cheap $5 kind, didn't feel like spending money on Lucas since I plan on doing this again soon). I plan on dropping the pan and changing the fluid/filter when it gets warmer out but I figure this is good enough for now, as it seems to have helped out a bit with the hard 1-2 shift. The old fluid looked like coffee but was not burnt glad to get it out anyways.


cool. how's the weather in canada, if i am to assume canada IS to the north of me, i'd say youre a badass to do work to your car when it's that cold out.


I know what pump you're talking about, and trust me, it works great for siphoning gas :D !


And BTW, a quart is exactly the size of a bottle of motor oil...

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