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3100 to l67 swap cost?

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How much does it cost to swap a 3100 to a L67 supercharged engine if I do all the labor myself? I have a friend who has a 95 cutty that just died on him and we are looking at other options for his engine.


I seen the list of things needed on l67swap.com but just curious what a total price would be roughly? Anyone who has done the swap PLMK, thanks!


from l67swap.com


Average total cost is about $2200 without any additional modifications to a basic swap. Allow extra for 'snags', unforseen problems or rework.


yeah you are looking at 1500 for motor trans and harness...you will need a pcm 250 and then axles which I think are 300 (they are custom). if you do the install yourself then that is $0 other wise you are looking at 1200-2000. other things are belts filters and fluids


According to what i saw , heard , and experienced , this swap is useless . I saw a 3400 5 speed ( j body ) faster than a 4 speed suto 3800 SC ( J body ) at the drag and i heard ALL the guys from 60degreev6 tell the same thing .



But in our car , i just dont know ... maybe there is some other better things to do



anyway 2200 is not that exensive for a swap , compare to the 10000 you need in a J-body


the difference is traction and wieght of a car...also what work was done to each....not to knock 60degreeV6 but alot of those guys dont like the L67 motor for various reasons....the same way people on other sites dont like the 60degreeV6 motor......you just have to decide on how fast you want to go and for how much money


alright I found a guy that will sell me everything needed for the swap for $1400. Looks like that might be the way to go then.

According to what i saw , heard , and experienced , this swap is useless . I saw a 3400 5 speed ( j body ) faster than a 4 speed suto 3800 SC ( J body ) at the drag and i heard ALL the guys from 60degreev6 tell the same thing .



But in our car , i just dont know ... maybe there is some other better things to do



anyway 2200 is not that exensive for a swap , compare to the 10000 you need in a J-body


Going by times I've seen for 3400 swapped J-bodies, they run around high 14's/low 15's.......an L67 in a 3600lb W-body is mid-high 14 second capable(on average, some dip into the lower 14's)...so do the math on the W-body vs. J-body weight w/ the L67 added, you'll see what I'm getting at here.

what car is it from and what year


not sure yet, he is getting back to me, he has 97-99 gtps that he is parting though


If it costs $2200 for everything, just buy a 97-98 GTP. That's the going rate for one of those POS's thru the newspaper. Save ya the work too.


No one's bashing the L67 or the GTP. But, if you want the L67 power, and it's going to cost you nearly the same price fot the swap, just buy the whole goddamn GTP.


If you want rev and your nuts go with the 3.4 and swap to chain driven, then turbo charge the bitch and be done with it.


You want some old school quick power go with the L67 just because of the fact that it is PROVEN technology. Old, but proven.


theirs my two sense.


the 60* is proven by one thing that normally aspirated it can make some power ... but when its forced fed it likes to eat head gaskets, and a few other things ...


the 90* 3800 can take the power either way ... supercharged/turbo charged safely.


basically the overruling one ... is aftermarket which one has it. the 90* boat ancor..

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