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I was crusin around today makin the rounds, the car had stalled on me 4 times (I have an egr problem causing the stall but the 4x is very unusual, usually happens once every week) I was on my way home when i pulled over because the car didnt seem right. I put it into park and the engine died. completely shut off. I then turn the car off to start it up again, as soon as i turned it off i lost 100% power to my car, no ignition, nothing. I checked the terminals and they seem fine. I checked fuses in the fuse box on the passenger side and they were fine. I am now stuck in some cresent with my window 1/4 down and its snowin up a storm


Any ideas?


Had that exact same thing happen in a 93 Safari van. Turned out to be a fusible link near the starter. It would die at idle and reset like the battery had been disconnected. Then it died going down the road at 50 mph. Might be something to look at.




I would check the battery cabling. Normally the positive cable is connected to a remote positive terminal which is held down by a nut. Make sure that nut is tight. I did have similar problem with my vehicle and that nut was a little loose which cause the engine to die suddenly and then work sometimes. I tightened the nut and no more problems.


Another possibility is that the alternator is partially failing and not re-charging the battery properly.


If you have a spare fully charged battery, then bring it with you. If you can remove your old battery, then have it fully re-charge it. Just in case your alternator is not working properly, drive the vehicle without the headlights ON and so make sure you drive it during daylight that way you don't have to use your headlights and unnecessarily drain the battery before you reach home.


I really dont know if its a dead battery as I just dropped in a 730amp AC Delco battery. Battery cables is a viable option, The battery terminals are clean as a whistle.


The alternator - I had the same thought but the battery was sitting in the middle of the meter when it died. I did notice the power dropping off earlier on in the evening, but it seemed to go away by the time it died.


The fusable link also sounds like a suspect. Since its -28ºC here I cannot do much work on the car outside. I will have to take it to a garage untill tuesday when my mechanic can work on it. i was hoping for an easy solution like a fuse. It was too cold last night to spend time prying the other fuse box cover off from under the support bar.

Where abouts is the fusable link for the starter? I have no idea where any of this is on the 3.4.


What gets me is how it completely died no power at all Im just glad i wasnt crusin down the road at the time

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