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Running out of parts to replace......

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Been there done that.....


The Car: 1992 Chevrolet Lumina Z34 5-Speed


Well Guys/Gals this car is pissing me off. Acually it has pissed me off since I have bought it. Why? Because it continues to run like a dog


Started witha tune up and it got better. Plugs, Wires, Air Filter, EGR, TPS, IAC, O2 Sensor, Thermostat, AIR Stem feedback hose, Fuses. That was in 2002 that made the car run without stalling but it still runs like crap... On to 2003....


2003 Basic maintaince. Oil, Air Filter, PCV Valve, Timing belt, Upper and Lower intake gaskets (Stupid mechanic said he did the 0-ring but thats leaking now...) E-brake cable, Brakes all arround, Another TPS and IAC.


I give ...


How it runs. In the morning when I start it up or even after work she fires and idles at 4k rpm. I let is idle like that it works back down to 3k rpm. but then seconds later it jumps back to 4k and throws a SES light. which goes away if you tap the accelorater. if you stand out side the car at the back you notcie the exaust sounds like "putt, putt, putta put, Putt" and so on... So you start driving and when you shift its all smooth till ya depress the clutch to slow down or stop with the car in nuetral. Then it starts jumping from 4k rpm back to 1k rpm, 4k rpm back to 1k rpm and over and over till you come to a dead stop. then she idles normally and depending how warm the car is by now thats in the 1k (normal) to 3k rpm range. If you give her a hard run she will throw a SES as soon as you come to a stop.


The codes are 35 and 39.


I know what 35 is and I have tried to do everything to fix it.

39 is clutch switch. I had 4 GM dealers look at that code and apprently there is no remedy to it. Their manuals don't have that code listed but if you hook up the diagnostic tester it says clutch switch.


So all I want is a normal running 3.4 (is there such a thing? lol) So if you have any ideas please post them or I'm parking it till I can find a replacement 3.4 or something. Cause I think this engine is cursed.


The only clutch switch I know of is for the cruise and shouldn't have any connection to the ECM, it would come up as the cruise module if it were that.

I see that you haven't tried replacing the ECM or MEMCAL. they could be causing this. Seeing as you've done almost everything else I might try the MEMCAL first than maybe the ECM.


I was thinking chip next. Heres my theroy. The previous owner was modding the car a bit before I got it. Now I'm wondering if maybe the dip replaced the chip with a preformance chip but for a auto? what do you think invalid chip is my problem?\

If it is what do I replace it with?


if you werent in alberta canada i would say drive it over we will toy with it.. at any point does the idel smooth out? with the car off remove the intake housing and hoses. look at the throttle plate, is it closed all the way? and if its closed all the way and your doing 4k rpms you may want to check your IAC. maybe clean it or replace


I'm thinking Intake Gaskets. My Lumina would rev to 4k and bounce of the limiter then calm down as it warmed up. The SES light comes on because its away from the intended Idle for more then 10 seconds or something.


I know it says you already replaced it, but if that wasn't torqued right, the new intake gasket could be worse then the old one.


Get some WD-40 or carb cleaner or something and spray around the intake area and see if the idle drops. If it does, its the gasket.


have Vegeta make a chip for you (manual) and if anything she will have a few more ponies and will probably fix it. Oh! and slick94prix has a computer for you


Have the coil packs checked....they can cause all kinds of odd isues. But yours does sound like a computer issue.


- Justin


Just noticed you're in Calgary, I'm in Edmonton. I have a factory chip for a '91 Z34 w/284.


Ok on the weekend I'll check out the chip and take some picturs and you can tell me if the chip is oem or not if it is I'm gonna just replace the damn computer and see if that solves it.. I'll keep ya posted

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